
Generate Beautiful Changelogs using Conventional Commits


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Generate Beautiful Changelogs using Conventional Commits

Quick Start

Generate a changelog in Markdown format and display in the console:

npx changelogen@latest

Generate a changelog, bump the version in package.json and update (without commit):

npx changelogen@latest --bump

Bump the version, update and make a git commit and tag:

npx changelogen@latest --release

CLI Usage

npx changelogen@latest [...args] [--dir <dir>]


  • --from: Start commit reference. When not provided, latest git tag will be used as default.
  • --to: End commit reference. When not provided, latest commit in HEAD will be used as default.
  • --dir: Path to git repository. When not provided, current working directory will be used as as default.
  • --clean: Determine if the working directory is clean and if it is not clean, exit.
  • --output: Changelog file name to create or update. Defaults to and resolved relative to dir. Use --no-output to write to console only.
  • --bump: Determine semver change and update version in package.json.
  • --release. Bumps version in package.json and creates commit and git tags using local git. You can disable commit using --no-commit and tag using --no-tag. You can enable the automatic push of the new tag and release commit to your git repository by adding --push.
  • --publish. Publishes package as a new version on npm. You will need to set authorisation tokens separately via .npmrc or environment variables.
  • --publishTag Use custom npm tag for publishing (Default is latest)
  • --nameSuffix: Adds suffix to package name (Example: --nameSuffix canary renames foo to foo-canary)
  • --versionSuffix: Adds suffix to package version. When set without value or to true, uses date + commit hash as commit
  • --canary. Shortcut to --bump --versionSuffix (--nameSuffix will be also added if arg has a string value).
  • -r: Release as specific version.
  • --major: Bump as a semver-major version
  • --minor: Bump as a semver-minor version
  • --patch: Bump as a semver-patch version
  • --premajor: Bump as a semver-premajor version, can set id with string.
  • --preminor: Bump as a semver-preminor version, can set id with string.
  • --prepatch: Bump as a semver-prepatch version, can set id with string.
  • --prerelease: Bump as a semver-prerelease version, can set id with string.

changelogen gh release

Changelogen has built-in functionality to sync with with Github releases.

In order to manually sync a release, you can use changelogen gh release. It will parse current from current repository (local, then remote) and create or update releases.


npx changelogen@latest gh release [all|versions...] [--dir] [--token]

To enable this integration, make sure there is a valid repository field in package.json or repo is set in .changelogenrc.

By default in unauthenticated mode, changelogen will open a browser link to make manual release. By providing github token, it can be automated.

  • Using environment variables or .env, use CHANGELOGEN_TOKENS_GITHUB or GITHUB_TOKEN or GH_TOKEN
  • Using CLI args, use --token <token>
  • Using global configuration, put tokens.github=<token> inside ~/.changlogenrc
  • Using GitHub CLI token when authenticated with gh auth login


Configuration is loaded by unjs/c12 from cwd. You can use either changelog.config.json, changelog.config.{ts,js,mjs,cjs}, .changelogrc or use the changelog field in package.json.

See ./src/config.ts for available options and defaults.

💻 Development

  • Clone this repository
  • Enable Corepack using corepack enable (use npm i -g corepack for Node.js < 16.10)
  • Install dependencies using pnpm install
  • Run interactive tests using pnpm dev


Made with 💛

Published under MIT License.

npm i changelogen


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 9/19/2024

