
Framework for **Google Cloud Functions** to bridge communications in chat services, such as

Chat Bridge by Google Cloud Functions

Latest Stable Version CI codecov

Framework for Google Cloud Functions to bridge communications in chat services, such as

  • LINE -> Slack
  • Slack -> LINE

Example of your index.js

const { Bridge } = require("cf-chat-bridge");

// Your secret variables, see following for more details.
const secrets = require("./your/secrets");
// Your rules to bridge messages, see following for more details.
const rules = require("./your/rules");

// Initialize your bridge.
const bridge = new Bridge({rules, secrets});

// Export your endpoint as a member of module,
// so that Google CloudFunctions can listen /foobar as an endpoint.
exports.foobar = bridge.endpoint();

// Then you can use following endpoints for Slack & LINE webhooks:
//   - Slack: /foobar?source=SLACK
//   - LINE:  /foobar?source=LINE

Example rules

module.exports = [

   * ONE-WAY bridge: LINE group → SLACK channel(s)
    // From any groups of LINE in which the bot is a member
    source: {
      service: "LINE",
      group: /.*/
    // To "random" channel of Slack in which the bot is a member
    destination: {
      service: "Slack",
      channels: ["random"]

   * ONE-WAY bridge: Slack channel → LINE group(s)
    source: {
      service: "Slack",
      channel: "dev-test"
    destination: {
      service: "LINE",
      to: ["C3a08fbcbd1c7c3dc4c68d42fb46bd112"],

   * BOTH-WAY bridge: LINE group ↔ SLACK channel
    pipe: [
        service: "LINE",
        group: "C3a08fbcbd1c7c3dc4c68d42fb46bd112",
        service: "SLACK",
        channel: "general",

Variables you might need

secret.json, like this

  "LINE": {
    "CHANNEL_SECRET": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "SLACK": {
    "APP_VERIFICATION_TOKEN": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "APP_OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN": "xoxp-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

See for more information about getting started.

How to deploy your index.js to Google Cloud Functions

gcloud functions deploy foobar --trigger-http

See links below for more information


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • otiai10
  • released 5/16/2018

