
Traverse a directory to build a MongoDB collection with the found files. Then it's enable to keep directory and collection synchronised.
directory files traverse

Castor Load

Traverse a directory to build a MongoDB collection with the found files. Then it enables to keep directory and collection synchronised.



With npm do:

$ npm install castor-load


Use mocha to run the tests.

$ npm install mocha
$ mocha test

API Documentation

Constructor Loader(String directory, [Object options])

Create an new object to synchronise directory with MongoDB collection


  • connexionURI - string - URL to connect to MongoDB (see documentation, if not specified, it can look up the environment variable "MONGO_URL" ; default : 'mongodb://localhost:27017/test/'
  • ignore - array - List of paths to ignore (either minimatch patterns or Regex) : default : empty
  • include - array - List of node types to handle (directory and/or files) : default : ['files']
  • collectionName - string - MongoDB collection name : default : automatic
  • concurrency - number - Define how many files/documents can be processed in parallel : default : 1
  • maxFileSize - string - Maximum size of files, beyond which they will be rejected : default : 128mb
  • delay - number - Delay of file processing when the stack is full (milliseconds) : default : 1000
  • writeConcern - number/string - Write concern level used for insertions. (see documentation)
  • watch - boolean - enable tree watching after the initial synchronization. default: true
  • dateConfig - date - (Optional) arbitrary date appended to files metadata. Files whose dateConfig has changed will be resynchronized, regardless of their modification date.
  • strictCompare - boolean - always check file content when a change is detected, redardless of its modification date. Should be used when files can get multiple changes in a short period of time. default : false
  • modifier - function(baseDoc) - a function to modify the base document of a file upon its creation.
var options = {
    "connexionURI" : "mongodb://localhost:27017/test/",
    "ignore" : [ "**/.*", "*~", "*.sw?", "*.old", "*.bak", "**/node_modules"]
var fr = new Loader(__dirname, options);

Loader.use([String pattern,] Function middleware)

Add a middleware to be executed on either all files or those matching the given pattern. The middleware is given the document associated with the file, and a callback that can be can be called in two ways :

  • if the file matches a single document, then it should be called once with a potential error and the final document.
  • if the file must be exploded in mulitple subdocuments, then it should be called multiple times with either a subdocument or an error, and one last time without any argument when all subdocuments have been submitted.
var fr = new Loader(__dirname);

 * Just modify the documents associated with .txt files
fr.use('**/*.txt', function (doc, submit) { = doc.basename.toUpperCase();
  submit(null, doc);

 * Explode the documents of .csv files into multiple subdocuments
fr.use('**/*.csv', function (doc, submit) {
  require('fs').readFile(doc.location, function (err, content) {
    content.split('\n').forEach(function (line) {
      var clonedDoc = {};
      for (var p in doc) { clonedDoc[p] = doc[p]; } // clone the initial document
      clonedDoc.content = line; // add the current line as content
      submit(clonedDoc); // submit the subdocument
    submit(); // call when all subdocuments have been submitted

Loader.sync(Function callback)

Start synchronization between the directory and the MongoDB collection. callback will be called after a complete analysis. Its argument is the number of files/directories that were either cancelled or (re)synchronized with the database.

var fr = new Loader(__dirname);
fr.sync(function(processed) {
  console.log('Synchronization done, %d files were either cancelled or checked', processed);

Loader.submit(String filename, Function callback)

Submit manually a file to the synchronization system callback will be called after the file analysis. Its arguments are two, an error (if exists) and a object representing the filename in the database.

Loader.syncr.connect(Function callback)

Open a MongoDB connection, or use the existing one. The callback returns a potential error object and a handle to the working collection. Use this if you want to perform some actions on the collection before you start synchronizing.

var fr = new Loader(__dirname);
fr.syncr.connect(function(err, collection) {
  collection.ensureIndex({ 'filename': 1 }, function (err) {
    console.log('Added an index on filename, now starting synchronization');


Name(arguments) Description
browseOver(found) emitted when the tree is entirely browsed, with the number of items that should be synchronized.
watching() emitted when the initial synchronization is done and the watcher is ready.
checked(err, file) when a file has been (re)synchronized during the initial synchronization
cancelled(err, file) when an ignored file has been removed from the DB
added(err, file) when a file added in the tree has been synchronized with the DB
changed(err, file) when a modified file has been resynchronized with the DB
dropped(err, file) when a file has been unlinked and its related documents marked as deleted
preCheck(file) when a file is about to be checked. Can be emitted on initial sync, or when a file has been added or changed.
preCancel(file) when a file is about to be cancelled. Can be emitted on initial sync, or when a file has been added or changed.
preDrop(file) when a file is about to be marked as deleted
saved(document) when a document is saved into the database (either inserted or updated)
loadError(err, file, linenumber) when an error occurs in the loader itself.
npm i castor-load


  • MIT
  • >=0.10.0
  • Nicolas Thouvenin
  • released 11/7/2016

