
Deprecated code from the carbon-react package.

Carbon Graveyard

:skull: Where code comes to die.

All components and modules in this repository are no longer actively maintained, but are available for use if your application heavily relies on them. Ideally you should look to remove any dependency on this code.

Any code contributed to this repository should feature an associated README file with instructions on why it was deprecated and what alternatives you should look to use.

Making a Release

  • Update the version. You can either do this manually in the package.json file and run npm install to update the package-lock.json file, or you can run npm version x.x.x --no-git-tag-version.
  • Generate the release notes: ./script/
  • Create a pull request with your changes into the release branch.
  • Once merged create a tag in GitHub from release for your new version number.
  • Check the release branch out locally and ensure the code is all up to date, publish the tag to npm with npm publish.
  • Merge release back into master to finish the release.
npm i carbon-graveyard


