
ts3 helper library for making cool bots
ts3 teamspeak team speak 3 cactus cactus-ts


helper library for the TeamSpeak 3 ServerQuery



const Cactus = require('cactus-ts')

let bot = new Cactus('hunter1')

bot.on('ready', () => {
    bot.send('sendtextmessage', {
        target: 2,
        targetmode: 1,
        msg: 'hello world'
    }, (res) => {
        // { err: { id: '0', msg: 'ok' },
        //   body: 
        //    { notifytextmessage: null,
        //      targetmode: '1',
        //      msg: 'hello world',
        //      target: '2',
        //      invokerid: '5',
        //      invokername: 'cactus',
        //      invokeruid: 'serveradmin' } }
        // 	})


getting started

new Cactus(password || options)

Returns a new instance of Cactus and will try to connect to a server, provided that opts.connect isn't set to false.


  • opts.password - password used for identification; if you don't know what it is - click here (required)
  • opts.login (default serveradmin)
  • opts.ip (default localhost) - ip to which the client will try to connect to
  • opts.port (default 10011) - same as above
  • opts.server_number (default 1) - sets the server index for the use x command, leave as default if you don't know what that is
  • opts.connect (default true) - determines whether the bot should attempt connecting immediately
  • opts.display_name (default Cactus) - the name that the bot will appear as


Cactus extends your old and loved EventEmitter, and will emit the following events

.on('ready', [callback]) -> cb()

Probably the only one you'll ever need, gets emitted when all the boring stuff is finished and the bot is ready to accept commands.

.on('motd', [callback]) -> cb(msg)

Emitted when the server sends out its welcome message,


.connect([ip, [port]])

Use this if you have opts.connect set to false. Attempts to connect to a server at the given address.

.send(command, [[[parameters, [[options, [callback]) -> cb(res)

res => {
    err: {id: '0', msg: 'ok'},
    body: {
        version: '3.0.0-alpha4',
        build: '9155',
        platform: 'Linux'

Prepares a nicely escaped command with optionals parameters and options, passes res in the given format above to the callback. Refer to the tests.

  • command#String of lowercase letters only, refer to the pdf (required)
  • parameters#Object containing your keys and values
  • options#Array with different switches for your command --without-- the dash (e.g. uid, away)

See the tests for examples of usage.

.raw(string, [callback]) -> cb(res)

Queries a raw string of the command to the server, has to be escaped (page 5 in the pdf). Passes res to the callback.

.register(type, [id], [callback]) -> cb(res)

Registers callbacks to special events emitted by the server, provided that you ask it nicely. type depends on the type of events you want to register, so type is:

  • messages
    • private-message - listen to all private messages sent to the bot, this also includes your own messages that you send to others, so be sure to put a check in place for that.
    • channel-message - requires id - get messages in the channel referred to by the id
    • server-message - all messages in the global server channel
  • client-moved - requires id - fires whenether a user switches to, or gets moved into a channel.
  • client-joined - listen to clients joining the server, or more specifically your bot's view, if you have weird permissions for the SQ on your server.
  • client-left - same as above, but with leaving.


npm install --save cactus-ts



npm i cactus-ts


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • nikersify
  • released 2/8/2017

