
LRU Cache for Node.js


LRU Cache for Node.js

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This is a fork of Monsur Hossain's jscache for browsers, which is loosely based on ASP.NET's Cache, and includes many caching options such as absolute expiration, sliding expiration, cache priority, and a callback function on purge.


npm install --save cachai


First, create a new cache object. The constructor accepts an optional integer parameter which places a limit on how many items the cache holds. Example:

var Cache = require('cachai');

var cache = new Cache();


setItem adds an item to the cache. Arguments:

  • key: key to refer to the object
  • value: object to cache
  • options: optional parameters described below

Options available are:

  • expirationAbsolute: The datetime when the item should expire

  • expirationSliding: An integer representing the seconds since the last cache access after which the item should expire

  • priority: How important it is to leave this item in the cache. You can use the values Cache.Priority.LOW, .NORMAL, or .HIGH, or you can just use an integer. Note that placing a priority on an item does not guarantee it will remain in cache. It can still be purged if an expiration is hit, or if the cache is full.

  • onPurge: A function that gets called when the item is purged from cache. The key and value of the removed item are passed as parameters to the callback function.


cache.setItem("A", "1", {
    expirationAbsolute: null,
    expirationSliding: 60,
    priority: Cache.Priority.HIGH,
    onPurge: function(k, v) { console.log('removed', k, v); }

getItem retrieves an item from the cache takes one parameter, the key to retrieve returns the cached item. Example:

var item = cache.getItem("A");

removeItem removes and returns an item from the cache. If the item doesn't exist it returns null. Example:

var removed = cache.removeItem("A");

size returns the number of items in the cache. Example:

var size = cache.size();

stats returns stats about the cache, like {"hits": 1, "misses": 4}. Example:


clear removes all items from the cache. Example:

npm i cachai


  • Unknown
  • >=0.10.0
  • Ricardo Stuven
  • released 4/27/2015

