
Extract/cache/render property files/strings using i18n rules and various rendering engines
node.js renderer


Lead Maintainer: Aria Stewart

Extract/cache/render property files/strings using i18n rules and various rendering engines

Build Status

Use cases

Initialize bundalo

Call bundalo module with a key that matches your template engine, plus locale information. Currently only dust and none are supported as engines.

var bundalo = require('bundalo');

//couple of configs for later
var config = {
    "contentPath": "locales/", //required
    "fallback": "en-US",       //optional
    "engine": "dust",          //required
    "cache": false             //optional, default is true
var config2 = {
    "contentPath": "globals/",
    "fallback": "",
    "engine": "none"

//create two bundalo instances. Each has its own cache
var bundle = bundalo(config);
var bundle2 = bundalo(config);

Use bundalo

User wants key/values from some bundle file, corrected for locality, and possibly rendered with some data model

bundle.get({'bundle': 'errors/server','locality': 'en-US', 'model': {'name': 'Will Robinson'}}, function bundaloReturn(err, data) {
    console.log("what'd we get from bundalo.get?", data, err);
        'err': data.error

User wants multiple bundles in a single call, to avoid calling bundalo multiple times

bundle.get({'bundle': ['errors/server', 'errors/client'], 'locality': 'en-US',  'model': {'name': 'Will Robinson'}}, function bundaloReturn(err, data) {
    console.log("what'd we get from bundalo.get?", data, err);
        'clienterr': data['errors/client'].error,
        'servererr': data['errors/server'].error

User wants multiple bundles in a single call, and wants to alias the bundles for easier management upon return

bundle.get('bundle': {
    'server': 'errors/server',
    'client': 'errors/client'
}, 'locality': 'en-US', 'model': {'name': 'Will Robinson'}}, function bundaloReturn(err, data) {
    console.log("what'd we get from bundalo.get?", data, err);
        'clienterr': data.client.error,
        'servererr': data.server.error


When a user first requests a bundle, bundalo will:

  • fetch the correct file from the file system based on locality
  • [dust only] compile the properties file into a dust template
  • cache the [compiled dust] template
  • [dust only] render the template with any provided data model
  • deserialize the rendered properties file via spud
  • return a JSON data object with the rendered values

Upon subsequent requests for a bundle, the previously cached compiled template will be re-rendered and returned. Cache will be based upon the bundle path provided by the user, plus the locality path information. I.e. 'US/en/foo/bar' is a separate cached object from 'DE/de/foo/bar'. Cache is consistent per bundalo instance created.

npm i bundalo

