
Bump the version of an package based on a Pull Request
github pull-request version semver bump

Travis cov-img NPM lic-img

Originally copied from [email protected]. This project was created to simplify code and configuration.

Use text from a pull request description to automatically bump the version number of a project upon merge. bumpr performs three main tasks:

  1. Check if an open pull request has the appropriate version bump scope in its description.
  2. Update the version of any JSON file which includes a version key (default is package.json) when a pull request is merged based on the scope from the pull request.
  3. Create a tag of the new version after the bump commit.

There are also a number of additional tasks that can be enabled by setting the appropriate values in .bumpr.json See below for more info on the available optional features.

Pull Requests

bumpr uses Semantic Versioning.

Pull request descriptions must include a directive indicating the scope of the change being made (major/minor/patch/none). Directives are case insensitive and wrapped in #

In addition, pre-release tags on versions are supported, but only for the patch or none scope. When using minor or major with a pre-release tag, the pre-release tag will be cleared.

NOTE bumpr never introduces a pre-release tag, it only supports an existing pre-release tag. If you want to use a pre-release tag, you'll need to add it manually as part of your PR, then bumpr will be able to do a patch bump to increment the last number in the pre-release for you.

Starting Version Directive Ending Version
1.2.3 #none# 1.2.3
1.2.3-alpha.4 #none# 1.2.3-alpha.4
1.2.3 #patch# 1.2.4
1.2.3-alpha.4 #patch# 1.2.3-alpha.5
1.2.3-a.b.9 #patch# 1.2.3-a.b.10
1.2.3 #minor# 1.3.0
1.2.3-alpha.4 #minor# 1.3.0
1.2.3 #major# 2.0.0
1.2.3-alpha.4 #major# 2.0.0

GFM Checklist support

You may also specify a list of possible scopes in a GFM checklist Example:

This project uses semver, please check the scope of this pr:

  • #none# - documentation fixes and/or test additions
  • #patch# - backwards-compatible bug fix
  • #minor# - adding functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
  • #major# - incompatible API change

Combined with Pull Request Templates, contributors who are unfamiliar with bumpr will know exactly what to do before the build fails.


bumpr currently supports pull requests on GitHub

It is also optimized to work with Travis CI out-of-the box, but can be configured to work with CircleCI as well using the .bumpr.json config file.


npm install -g bumpr@^2.0.0

The specific version range is important so that you don't pick up a breaking major version bump without meaning to, for example in your CI script.

Alternatively, you can add bumpr as a devDependency in your project and use something like npx or update your PATH to be able to execute it.


You can check for the existence of a valid directive in the current (open) pr (during the pr build) by using

bumpr check

You can perform the automated bump in the merge build by using:

bumpr bump

If your CI script creates any other commits after the merge commit, you can inform bumpr by using the --num-extra-commits flag. This allows bumpr to identify the PR merge commit which it uses to find info about the PR that was merged (to determine the scope, etc.)

bumpr bump --num-extra-commits=1

If you have some other CI script you want to run only in a PR build, you can check by using

bumpr is-pr

This command will exit with a 0 exit code if the current build is a PR build, and a 1 if it is not. So you can have a CI script like this:

bumpr is-pr && echo "Do PR stuff"


bumpr is-pr || echo "Do merge stuff"

If you have the logging feature enabled, you can output a specific key from the log file using:

bumpr log <key>

If you'd like to conditionally publish you package (only if a non-none bump has occurred) you can do so using:

bumpr publish

NOTE bumpr publish assumes the existence of an NPM_TOKEN environment variable to function properly.


As of 2.0.0, bumpr now uses cosmiconfig, so you can configure bumpr using any method supported by cosmiconfig, but we'll refer to the configuration as .bumprrc.js in this document.

If you're using Travis CI and public GitHub, bumpr will probably work well for you with very little in your .bumprrc.js:

module.exports = {
vcs: {
  repository: {
    name: 'bumpr', # <- Your repo name here
    owner: 'all-i-code' # <- Your organization name here

The following defaults will be used if omitted in .bumperrc.js:

  ci: {
    env: {
      branch: 'TRAVIS_BRANCH',
      buildNumber: 'TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER',
      prNumber: 'TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST'
    gitUser: {
      email: '[email protected]',
      name: 'Bumpr'
    provider: 'travis'
  features: {
    changelog: {
      enabled: false,
      file: 'CHANGELOG.md',
      required: [],
    comments: {
      enabled: false
    dateFormat: {
      enabled: false,
      format: 'YYYY-MM-DD',
    logging: {
      enabled: false,
      file: '.bumpr-log.json'
    maxScope: {
      enabled: false,
      value: 'major'
    release: {
      artifacts: '',
      description: '## Changelog\n{changelog}',
      enabled: false,
      name: '[{version}] - {date}',
    slack: {
      enabled: false,
      env: {
        url: 'SLACK_URL'
      channels: []
    tag: {
      enabled: true,
      name: 'v{version}',
    timezone: {
      enabled: false,
      zone: 'Etc/UTC'
  files: ['package.json'],
  vcs: {
    domain: 'github.com',
    env: {
      readToken: 'GITHUB_READ_ONLY_TOKEN',
      writeToken: 'GITHUB_TOKEN'
    provider: 'github',
    repository: {
      name: '',
      owner: ''

You'll notice the data in .bumprrc.js is separated into three top-level properties, ci, features and vcs. ci and vcs help bumpr work with your particular environment, while features allows you to enable and configure optional features within bumpr.


Holds all the information bumpr needs to interact with your continuous integration system.


Defines the names of the environment variables that bumpr needs to find out information about the current build. The default values are set based on ci.provider. When ci.provider is omitted, or set to the default of travis, the ci.env values are defaulted as shown above. If the ci.provider is set to circle the cei.env defaults will be:

  branch: 'CIRCLE_BRANCH',
  buildNumber: 'CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM',
  prNumber: 'CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER'

The name of the environment variable that holds the current branch being built on a merge build.

The default is TRAVIS_BRANCH when using a ci.provider of travis and CIRCLE_BRANCH when using a ci.provider of circle. Both are already set for you within those two systems.


The name of the environment variable that holds the number of the current build.

The default is TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER when using a ci.provider of travis, and CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM when using a ci.provider of circle. Both are already set for you within those two systems.


The name of the environment variable that holds the number of the pull request on a pr build. It can be empty or include false to indicate a merge (non PR) build.

The default is TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST when using a ci.provider of travis, and CIRCLE_PR_NUMBER when using a ci.provider of circle. Both are already set for you within those two systems.


Information about the git user that will be used by bumpr to make the version bump commit and create the tag for the release.


You guessed it, the email address of the git user.


Surprisingly enough, the name of the git user.


bumpr currently supports travis (the default) and circle.


Holds individual properties for configuring optional features of bumpr. None of them are enabled by default.


Some features, like release and tag allow configuring name/descriptions. Those allow some variable substitution. The following variables are available:

changelog - the changelog pulled out of the source PR of the release date - the current date (respects the dateFormat and timezone features) links - A collection of any markdown links that were present in the changelog pr.number - the number of the source PR of the change pr.url - the URL of the source PR of the change pr.user.login - login name of the author of the source PR of the change pr.user.url - profile URL of the author of the source PR of the change scope - the semver scope of the source PR of the change version - the semantic version of the release


bumpr includes support for managing your CHANGELOG.md file for you. When this feature is enabled (by setting config.features.changelog.enabled to true) bumpr augments the behavior of some of its commands.

bumpr check

This command will now also check the PR description for the existence of a ## CHANGELOG section (case insensitive), and throw an error if one is not found. It will also check your CHANGELOG.md (or whatever file is configured in .bumpr.json) for the existence of a <!-- bumpr --> line, and throw an error if one is not found. This line is necessary to identify where bumpr should insert the changelog stanza it grabbed from the PR description.

bumpr bump

This command will now also take all the content below the ## CHANGELOG line (up to but not including an optional <!-- END CHANGELOG --> comment) and insert it wherever the <!-- bumpr --> line is within your CHANGELOG.md file (or whatever you've configured it to be named). It will give this new content a heading with the newly bumped version number, along with the date (in ISO yyyy-mm-dd format, based on UTC timezone)

So, if your project is at version 1.2.3 and you have a PR (#123) description that looks like:

This is a new #feature#

### Added
- The ability to do fizz-bang

that is merged on January 15th, 2017, bumpr will insert the following into your changelog:

## [1.3.0] - 2017-01-15 [PR 123](http://github.com/project/repo/pulls/123)
### Added
- The ability to do fizz-bang

Set this value to true to enable changelog processing


The file to modify when adding the ## CHANGELOG section of your pull request description (default is CHANGELOG.md).


A list of regular expression strings the changelog must match in order for bumpr check to pass. For example if you want to ensure your changelog contains ticket links in the form [####](https://ticket.example.com/####), you could set it to:

"required": ["\\[\d+]\(https:\\/\\/ticket.example.com\\/\d+\)"],


bumpr has the ability to post comments to the pull request in certain scenarios. Unfortunately, due to the fact that posting comments requires write permissions, and Travis CI does not allow access to secure environment variables during pull request builds (for good reason), posting comments to pull requests is not supported when using Travis CI.

If anyone has any ideas on how to make that work, permission-wise, we'd love to add that support.

For all others (which for now is just CircleCI or non-fork PRs), one can enable posting pull request comments by setting features.comments.enabled to true.

When that flag is set, bumpr will post comments to pull requests in the following situations:

  • If bumpr check fails because there is no valid PR scope is found in the PR description.
  • If bumpr check fails because there is no ## CHANGELOG section is found in the PR description (only if features.changelog.enabled is true)
  • If bumpr check fails because there is no <!-- bumpr --> line found in your changelog file (only if features.changelog.enabled is true)

Set this value to true to enable PR comments (everywhere but Travis CI for PRs from forks)


Allows you to customize the date format used by bumpr whenever a date string is created. Currently, moment is used to format the date string, so any valid moment format string is valid.


Set to true in order to specify a custom date format, otherwise YYYY-MM-DD will be used.


Any moment format is valid to use here to customize the date string format that bumpr will use.


Make sure not to accept bumps of a higher scope than you want. Ideal for maintenance branches, to prevent a major bump that would conflict with the main branch. The order from least to greatest of scopes is:

  • none
  • patch
  • minor
  • major

So, if features.maxScope.value is major (the default), all bumps are allowed. If features.maxScope.value is patch, only none and patch are allowed. You get the idea.


Set this value to true to enable the max scope check.


The value to use for the maximum scope (default is major), must be one of [major, minor, patch, none]


Log what bumpr does during a bump to a file, so the information can be used by another tool later on.

The log file that will be created will look something like this:

  "changelog": "### Added\n- Some cool new feature",
  "pr": {
    "number": 123,
    "url": "https://github.com/all-i-code/bumpr/pull/123",
    "user": {
      "login": "job13er",
      "url": "https://github.com/job13er"
  "scope": "minor",
  "version": "1.3.0"
  • changelog - The full text of the changelog that was added during this bump
  • pr.number - The pull request number that was merged for this bump
  • pr.url - The URL for the pull request that was merged for this bump
  • pr.user.login - The username of the user who created the pull request that was merged for this bump
  • pr.user.url - The profile URL of the user who created the pull request that was merged for this bump
  • scope - the scope of the bump performed
  • user.login - the scope of the bump performed
  • version - the new version after the bump

Set this value to true to enable the creation of the log file during a bump.


The name of the file to create after a bump, the contents of the file will be json regardless of the name of the file given here.


Create a VCS release after creating a git tag. The name and description options allow some variable substitution.


Set this value to true to enable creating a release in your VCS after creating a tag.


Directory name of any assets you want included in the VCS release that is created.


The description to use for the VCS release that is created. You can include variables in curly braces. The default value is '## Changelog\n{changelog}'


The name to use for the VCS release that is created. You can include variables in curly braces. The default value is '[{version}] - {date}'


Send a message in slack detailing the change that bumpr just published. The message will be sent after the publish command completes.

  • changelog - The full text of the changelog that was added during this bump
  • pr.number - The pull request number that was merged for this bump
  • pr.url - The URL for the pull request that was merged for this bump
  • scope - the scope of the bump performed
  • version - the new version after the bump

Set this value to true to enable the sending of slack messages after publish


The name of the environment variable that holds the URL for your slack webhook.


An array of channels. The message will be sent to each one individually, using the channel property in the slack message JSON body. If no channels are given, only a single message will be sent, with no channel property, and so the default channel for the webhook will be used.


Create a git tag when bumping versions. By default, bumpr will create a git tag when bumping versions. This can conflict with some other tools, like lerna, and so we allow you to disable this functionality.


Set this value to true to enable creating a git tag.


Customize the name of the tag created. You can use variables in curly braces. The default value is: 'v{version}'


Report dates in changelog based on a given timezone. By default, bumpr uses the UTC timezone to figure out what date a version is being published. When enabled, this feature allows you to configure a timezone to use to determine the date.


Set this value to true to enable overriding the timezone used by bumpr when computing the date string to add into your changelog.


The timezone to use. You can use any time zone name supported by moment-timezone. For example, America/Los_Angeles, America/Denver, or America/New_York


Holds all the information bumpr needs to interact with your version control system.


The domain of your VCS. This would be github.com (the default) if using public github, or the domain of your private GitHub Enterprise.


Holds the names of environment variables bumpr uses to interact with your VCS.


The name of the environment variable that holds the read only access token to use when accessing the GitHub API. While one can access the GitHub API just fine without a token, there are rate-limits imposed on anonymous API requests. Since those rate-limits are based on the IP of the requester, you'd be sharing a limit with anyone else building in your CI, which, for Travis CI, could be quite a few people. So, if you specify a vcs.env.readToken and set the corresponding environment variable in your CI environment, bumpr will use that token when making API requests to find out information about pull requests. Since we need to be able to access GITHUB_READ_ONLY_TOKEN during a PR build, it cannot be encrypted, and thus will not be private. See travis docs for more info about encrypted environment variables.

NOTE Since GITHUB_READ_ONLY_TOKEN is not secure, it is printed directly into your Travis Logs!!! So, make sure it has only read access to your repository. Hence the name GITHUB_READ_ONLY_TOKEN


The name of the environment variable that holds the write access token to use when pushing commits to your vcs (specifically GitHub). Since this environment variable stores a token with write access to your repository, it must be encrypted. The default value is GITHUB_TOKEN. Here's an example of how you can encrypt a GITHUB_TOKEN into your .travis.yml for use in Travis CI. If you have a private CI, you can probably just configure the environment variable.

In case you're unfamiliar, GitHub allows users to create Personal Access Tokens to allow various levels of access to external systems. The public_repo access is sufficient for bumpr to be able to push commits and create tags on your behalf. You'll want to create this token on whatever GitHub user you want to be responsible for your version bump commits and automatic release tags. Once you've got a Personal Access Token with the correct permissions, you'll want to encrypt it into .travis.yml to let it be accessible in your merge builds, but not publicly available.

You can do so by using the Travis Client to travis encrypt your token.

First, you'll need to authenticate with travis (you can use the same token for that)

travis login --github-token <your-token>
travis encrypt GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-token> --add -r <owner>/<repo>

If you do not use a fork workflow and your origin is the main repository, you can skip the -r <owner>/<repo> part. Otherwise, replace the <owner>/<repo> with the organization and name of your upstream repository.

If no token is found in the environment variable pointed to by vcs.env.writeToken, bumpr will assume you're using ssh keys which have proper permissions and will not use any token.


bumpr currently supports only a single VCS provider: github (the default)


Holds info about the name and organization of the repository.


The name of the default branch of the repository (default is main)


The name of the repository


The name of the organization that holds your repository


  • MIT
  • >= 9.0
  • Adam Meadows [https://github.com/job13er]
  • released 12/13/2020

