
Yet another bump module, but this works exactly like the grunt-bump one, but without grunt
bump grunt bump increase patch version increase minor version increase major version semver tag version commit version manage publish and 1 more...

NPM Version Build Status


Yet another bump module, but this works exactly like the grunt-bump one, but without grunt


I was used to using to grunt-bump, but for a small nodejs module, having to install grunt to just be able to run bump seemed like an overkill. So this is basically the same code as in grunt-bump, but can be run from the command line or used as a library.


npm i -g bumpery


Usage: bumpery [options]

  --versionType One of: git, patch, minor, major, prepatch, preminor, premajor, prerelease  The versionType to use. If defined will override the the one in the config - default: patch
  --no-bumpVersion             Bump the version?. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found
  --no-commit                  Create a commit? If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found
  --commitFiles [String]       Which files to commit. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: ["package.json"]
  --commitMessage String       The commit message. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: BLD: Release v%VERSION%
  --no-createTag               Create a tag? If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found
  -d, --dryRun                 Just show which commands will be executed. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: false
  -f, --files [String]         The files to bump. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: ["package.json"]
  --gitDescribeOptions String  The options to get the version from git. when the action is `git`. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: --tags
                               --always --abbrev=1 --dirty=-d
  --globalReplace              Replace all fields that match the version Regex. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: false
  --prereleaseName String      The prerelease name. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found
  -p, --push                   Push the commit/tag? If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: true
  --pushTo String              If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: origin master
  -s, --setVersion String      The version to set. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found
  --tagMessage String          The tag message. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: Version %VERSION%
  --tagName String             The tagName. If the value is present will override the one provided in the config file if one found - default: v%VERSION%
  --verify String              The verify command to execute before running bump. For example: `npm test`. If the task fail, the bump will stop.
  -h, --help                   Show this help
  -v, --version                Outputs the version number
  -q, --quiet                  Show only the summary info
  -c, --config String          Path to your `bump.json` config, if not provided will try to use the `bump.json` file in your current working directory, if not found will use the one provided with this

All the options prefixed by --no can be used directly for example:

bumpery --no-commit   
#the previous is equivalent to:
bumpery --commit=true 

And the config file, should look like the one below. If you don't provide a config file the one in this package configs/bump.json file will be used. All the options passed on the cli command will override the defaults ones in this config file

  "bumpVersion": true,
  "commit": true,
  "commitFiles": [
  "commitMessage": "BLD: Release v%VERSION%",
  "createTag": true,
  "dryRun": false,
  "files": [
  "gitDescribeOptions": "--tags --always --abbrev=1 --dirty=-d",
  "globalReplace": false,
  "prereleaseName": false,
  "push": true,
  "pushTo": "origin master",
  "setVersion": true,
  "tagMessage": "Version %VERSION%",
  "tagName": "v%VERSION%",
  "verify" : ''


# this is the same as run bumpery path

# run a task before bump
bumpery --verify='npm test'

# dry run. This will just show what the command will do
bumpery -d 



npm i bumpery


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Roy Riojas
  • released 10/15/2015

