
Chrome Devtools Agents for node.js


Build Status

Warning: Experimental

bugger provides Chrome Devtools bindings for node. It integrates tightly with Chrome which means two things:

  • It attempts to fully support the usual Devtools experience, including workspaces and profiling tools.
  • It may break at any moment because Chrome moves fast.


npm install -g bugger


Start the script process

Start example/alive.js in debug mode:

bugger example/alive.js

Pass parameters to the script:

# This will be interpreted as a port paramter for alive.js
bugger example/alive.js --port=3000
# This will be interpreted as a port paramter for bugger itself
bugger --port=3000 example/alive.js

Pass V8 options (or advanced node options):

node --trace_gc $(which bugger) example/alive.js

Open the devtools

The correct URL will be written to the output. It should look similar to this:


You can also open chrome://inspect if you started Chrome with --remote-debugging-targets=localhost:8058. The process should pop up on that page almost immediately.


  • -v, --version: Print version information
  • -h, --help: Show usage help
  • -p, --port: The devtools protocol port to use, default: 8058
  • -b, --brk: Pause on the first line of the script


Console Tab

  • Basic support for console API
  • Evalute expressions in the console
  • Fully featured repl when not paused (including require)
  • Parts of the Command Line API supported

Sources Tab

  • Step-by-step debugging
  • Variable introspection
  • Live edit the running JavaScript code and persist it using workspaces (really just a Devtools feature)
  • Break on [uncaught] exception
  • Uses existing source maps (e.g. created via babel --source-maps or coffee --map)
  • Forked modules show up as worker threads. This includes modules forked via cluster.

Known Issues

  • For babel-core/register and coffee-script/register, editing the files doesn't work #48

Network Tab

  • Monitor outgoing http(s) requests your script does
  • Timing of requests, including connect times etc.

Timeline Tab

  • GC events
  • Basic heap usage graphs

Known Issues

  • The timeline tab doesn't do anything useful right now. In future it should show (#47):
    • console.{time, timeEnd, timeStamp}
    • Network request
    • Heap usage over time
    • Profiling data

Profiles Tab

Kudos to...

...the original projects

bugger was heavily inspired by node-inspector and nodebug.

Reference links

npm i bugger


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jan Krems
  • released 3/21/2016

