
Interface for listing and creating browsers
browser airtap abstract discovery interface


Interface for listing and creating browsers. Uses browser-manifest for browser metadata and abstract-browser for browser instances.

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A provider can be implemented with promises:

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const Provider = require('browser-provider').promises

class MyProvider extends Provider {
  // Return a manifest for every supported browser
  async _manifests () {
    return [
      { name: 'chrome', version: '83' },
      { name: 'firefox', version: '78.0.1' }

  _browser (manifest, target) {
    // Return a instance of abstract-browser
    // ..

  async _tunnel (options) {
    // Optionally implement a tunnel for remote browsers
    // ..

Or with callbacks:

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const Provider = require('browser-provider')

class MyProvider extends Provider {
  // Return a manifest for every supported browser
  _manifests (callback) {
    callback(null, [
      { name: 'chrome', version: '83' },
      { name: 'firefox', version: '78.0.1' }

  _browser (manifest, target) {
    // Return a instance of abstract-browser
    // ..

  _tunnel (options, callback) {
    // Optionally implement a tunnel for remote browsers
    // ..

Either way, the public interface supports both promises and callbacks:

const provider = new MyProvider()

// Shorthands
const browser = await'ff', '')
const manifest = await provider.find('ff')

// Get a list of desired browsers
const wanted = [{ name: 'ff', version: 'oldest..latest' }]
const manifests = await provider.manifests(wanted)

// Instantiate a browser from a manifest
const target = { url: 'http://localhost:3000' }
const browser = provider.browser(manifests[0], target)



provider = new Provider([options])

Constructor. The options argument is optional, to contain implementation-specific options.

provider.manifests([wanted][, callback])

Get an array of manifests. A wanted array may be provided to match the manifests against a desired list of browsers. If that argument is omitted, the result includes all manifests. If no callback is provided, a promise is returned. If you wish to combine & match manifests from multiple providers, use airtap-multi.

provider.browser(manifest, target)

Instantiate and synchronously return an abstract-browser instance from a manifest. The target argument must be a string url or an object in the form of { url }., target[, options][, callback])

Convenience method for opening a single browser. If no callback is provided, a promise is returned. The wanted argument is required and can be a string as a shorthand for { name } or an object with manifest properties to match. The target argument must be a string url or an object in the form of { url }. The options argument will populate manifest.options.


const browser = await'ff', '')
const browser = await
  { name: 'chrome', channel: 'canary' },
  { headless: false }

provider.find(wanted[, options][, callback])

Convenience method for finding a single manifest. The wanted argument is required and can be a string as a shorthand for { name } or an object with manifest properties to match. The options argument will populate manifest.options. If no callback is provided, a promise is returned.


const manifest = await provider.find('chrome')
const manifest = await provider.find({
  name: 'firefox',
  supports: {
    headless: true

provider.tunnel([options, ][callback])

Start a tunnel (of which the interface is currently undocumented). If no callback is provided, a promise is returned. Options may include:

  • domains: an array of domain names to route through the tunnel. Defaults to ['localhost'].


The options that were passed into the constructor, or an empty object.


With npm do:

npm install browser-provider


MIT © 2020-present Airtap contributors


  • MIT
  • >=10
  • Vincent Weevers
  • released 8/7/2020

