
Simple (but advanced) HTTP for browser
http client browser ajax url

NPM version Dependency Status Build Status



Simple (but advanced) library for working with http in browser (like for example jQuery.ajax).

http-browser is instance of EventEmitter.

Newer versions uses callbacks instead of promises!!!


$ npm install browser-http

or for standalone version just choose desired version and include it.


var http = require('browser-http');

// or standalone version:
var http = window.http;		// you can of course just call http directly without window at the beginning

http.request('', {type: 'GET'}, function(response, err) {
    if (!err) {
    } else {
        throw err;		// some error occurred

In then function, you will get response object with data from server.


var http = require('browser-http');



In every http function, you can set other options. Now it is just type and data.

  • type: GET, POST, PUT or DELETE. This is always replaced in shorthand methods
  • data: literal object of data which needs to be send to server
  • jsonp: name of callback for jsonp requests, when true is given callback name is used. Default is false
  • jsonPrefix: prefix for json requests
  • parallel: can disable parallel sending of GET requests, see issue #4

Rewriting default options

Some options can be rewritten globally for all requests.

  • http.options.type: default is GET
  • http.options.jsonPrefix: default is null, see section json hijacking below
  • http.options.parallel: default is true, see issue #4

Response object

Basically it is just wrapper for some data from XMLHttpRequest.

  • state
  • status
  • statusText
  • rawData: same like responseText
  • data: same like responseText or literal object (json)
  • xml: same like responseXML
  • error: possible error


If content-type in response header is application/json then your data will be automatically transformed into js object.

If you can not set this header on your server, than you can use *Json methods.

http.getJson('', function(response, err) {
    console.log(;		// output will be object


Requests queue

By default all your requests are called from queue one by one, so there is always just one request running (or zero). Inspiration from this article

You can of course disable this behavior:

http.useQueue = false;


It is very easy to work with jsonp requests.

http.jsonp('', function(response, err) {

Json hijacking

First, please read this discussion on stackoverflow.

Now if you want to use same technique just like Google or eg. Facebook do, you only need to set your own prefix in requests.

http.get('', {
    jsonPrefix: 'while(1);'
}, function(response, err) {

String while(1); will be removed from the beginning of received data before parsing into json object.


You can listen for all http events with your own functions.

http.on('send', function(response, request) {
    console.log('In any moment, new http request will be send to server');

http.on('afterSend', function(response, request) {
    console.log('I just sent some request to server, but there is still no response');

http.on('complete', function(error, response, request) {
    console.log('I just finished some request, but there may be some error');

http.on('success', function(response, request) {
    console.log('I have got response from server without any error :-)');

http.on('error', function(err, response, request) {
    console.log('Sorry, there was some error with this response');


Sometimes it will be better to register whole group of events and this group is called extension.

http.addExtension('nameOfMyExtension', {
    send: function(response, request) {},
    complete: function(response, request) {},
    success: function(response, request) {},
    error: function(err, response, request) {},

You can also remove other extensions.


Build in extensions

browser-http already comes with few extensions. Originally they were created for projects build on Nette framework, but can be used on any other project.

Loading cursor

http.addExtension('loading', new http.Extensions.Loading);

Every time new request is send, your cursor is changed into progress cursor. After receiving response from server, cursor is changed into auto.


http.addExtension('redirect', new http.Extensions.Redirect);

If your server sends json data with redirect variable, then you will be redirected to address in this variable.


http.addExtension('snippets', new http.Extensions.Snippets);

If in response data is snippets object with html id and content pairs, then browser-http will iterate throw this object, find element in page with given id and change content of this element into the one from given data.

Snippets HTML can be also appended to elements instead of replaced.

<div id="comments" data-append>


Ajax links

http.addExtension('links', new http.Extensions.Links(window.jQuery));

This is not true extension for browser-http. It listen for all click events on a links with class ajax but not with class not-ajax and after this click, it creates ajax request.

Depends on jquery.

Ajax forms

This is the same like the previous one, but apply for all forms with ajax class. This extension can not handle forms with file uploads. Depends on jquery.

http.addExtension('forms', new http.Extensions.Forms(window.jQuery));

Am I offline?

http.addExtension('offline', new http.Extensions.Offline);

http.on('disconnected', function() {
    alert('Lost internet connection');

http.on('connected', function() {
    alert('You were again connected');

This extension testing if your favicon.ico is reachable. You can change test destination by specifying Offline's constructor argument.


$ npm test

Test mocks

var Http = null;

beforeEach(function() {		// create new mocked Http object for each test case
    Http = new (require('browser-http/lib/Mocks/Http'));

    // or standalone version: Http = new http.Mocks.Http;

it('should load some data', function(done) {
    Http.receive('some data', {'content-type': 'text/plain'}, 200);

    Http.get('localhost', function(response, err) {
        expect('some data');

// text/plain in headers list is default content-type, so you don't have to set it. Also status 200 is default.

it('should load some data and check received data', function(done) {
    http.receive('some data', {'content-type': 'application/json'});

    Http.once('send', function(response, request) {
        expect(request.xhr.url)'localhost?greeting=hello');			// now we can test eg. url with parsed data

    Http.get('localhost', {data: {greeting: 'hello'}}, function(response, err) {
        expect({greeting: 'hello'});

Resending sent data back in response

Http.receiveDataFromRequestAndSendBack({'content-type': 'application/json'});

Http.get('localhost', {data: {greeting: 'hello'}}, function(response, err) {
    expect({greeting: 'hello'});

Http.get('localhost', {data: {greeting: 'good day'}}, function(response, err) {
    expect({greeting: 'good day'});


Response will be send after 400 ms:

Http.receive('some data', {'content-type': 'text/plain'}, 200, 400);

// or simple

Http.receive('some data', null, null, 400);

Response will be send between 100 and 300 ms:

Http.receive('some data', {'content-type': 'text/plain'}, 200, {min: 100, max: 300});


  • 4.0.2

    • Removed from bower...
    • Bug with redirect and snippets extensions when there were no data in response
  • 4.0.1

    • Updated dependencies
    • Some optimizations
    • Removed dependency on Q package (standalone size reduced from 201.846kb to 61.605kb) (BR break)
    • Moved under Carrooi organization
    • Add to bower registry
  • 3.0.3

    • Accepting all responses with status 2xx and 304 as successful responses
    • Added responseText to errored responses
  • 3.0.2

    • Use upper-cased HTTP methods everywhere #13
  • 3.0.0 - 3.0.1

    • Updated and optimized all dependencies
    • Added global options #5
    • Refactored and optimized queue
    • Intelligent queue #4
    • Mocked http object can automatically resend received data
    • Mocked http object can work also with timeouts
    • Optimized mocked http
    • Added many tests
    • Optimized development and npm environments
    • Optimized all build-in extensions
    • All extensions must be added via addExtension method (BC break)
    • Removed all shortcut files, use objects in main http object (BC break)
    • Removed dependency on jQuery in snippets extension #6
    • Added support for browser history api with links extension #7
    • Added support for appending HTML with snippets extension #11
    • Ajax forms can be submitted just with submit inputs with ajax class #12
    • Added offline extension for checking for internet connection #10
    • Optimized standalone versions (using gulp)
    • Added removePending and stop methods to queue #3
    • Mocked http object must be instantiate by hand (BC break)
    • Added support for missing HEAD, CONNECT, OPTIONS, and TRACE HTTP methods
  • 2.2.0

    • Added support for environments without require (like with simq)
    • Tests uses minified standalone version of browser-http
  • 2.1.1

    • Removed forgotten tests building
  • 2.1.0

  • 2.0.0

    • jQuery must be passed in constructor into extensions which depends on it
    • Updated dependencies
    • Test frameworks are in devDependencies (not globally installed)
    • Large refactoring (better for testing)
    • Tests does not need real server (using mock from philikon/MockHttpRequest)
    • Many optimizations
    • Added some badges + travis
  • 1.8.0

    • Requests are added into queue
    • Added support for jsonp
  • 1.7.1

    • Added some tests
    • Bug with responses without content-type header
  • 1.7.0

    • Refactoring
    • buildQuery and urlencode moved to browser-http/Helpers
    • Instance of EventEmitter
  • 1.6.4

    • Optimizations + bug with sending data
  • 1.6.3

    • Bug with buildQuery - replaced with the real one from jQuery
  • 1.6.2

    • Just removed some useless code
  • 1.6.1

    • Forgot to add Extensions/Links shortcut
  • 1.6.0

    • buildQuery should got the same output like jQuery.param
    • Added some extensions
  • 1.5.2

    • Bug with sending data via POST method
  • 1.5.1

    • Bug with X-Requested-With header
  • 1.5.0

    • Added method isHistoryApiSupported
  • 1.4.0

    • Sending X-Requested-With header
  • 1.3.1 - 1.3.5

    • Bugs
  • 1.3.0

    • Added urlencode and buildQuery methods
    • Prepared changelog
    • Added some tests
    • Some bugs and optimizations
    • Transforming response data into json if mime type is application/json
npm i browser-http


  • MIT
  • >=0.9
  • David Kudera
  • released 3/12/2015

