
A convenient way to make a quick broccoli node wrapper with having to fully create a new plugin constructor/class that derives from broccoli-plugin.

broccoli-quick-plugin is a prototype of an "anonymous" broccoli plugin helper, since you can no longer have have filters/plugins that are object literals. Also, it is convenient because the builder will error on any node without __broccoliGetInfo__.


return QuickPlugin(inputNodes, {
  build: function() {
     /* your code here */

  // Options that are passed to broccoli-plugin
  name: "...",
  annotation: "...",

  // Other options

  // By default, the plugin is a "passthrough" that symlinks its output to its
  // inputNode's outputPath, making it "pass" along all files written in the inputNode.
  // However, you can make it a "noop" which has nothing in its outputPath.

  passthrough: "false"  // defaults to true

Since you can no longer do this:

// How you used to be able to have a anonymous plugin pre broccoli v1.0.0-beta
return {
  read: function(readTree) {
    /* Your own quick little plugin code */


