
broccoli filter that runs eslint
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Lint JavaScript with ESLint as part of your Broccoli build pipeline.

Most of the test setup and the build configuration is based on sindresorhus/grunt-eslint. The internal validation is heavily inspired by eslint cli.js.


npm install --save broccoli-lint-eslint

broccoli-lint-eslint@5 uses eslint@5 which requires Node.js 6 or above. If you need support for Node.js 4, you may use broccoli-lint-eslint@4 which uses eslint@4 and is compatible with Node.js 4:

npm install --save broccoli-lint-eslint@4


var ESLint = require('broccoli-lint-eslint');
var outputNode = ESLint.create(inputNode, options);


  • inputNode A Broccoli node

  • options {Object}: Options to control how broccoli-lint-eslint is run.

    • format {string|function}: The path, or function reference, to a custom formatter (See eslint/tree/master/lib/formatters for alternatives).

      Default: 'eslint/lib/formatters/stylish'

    • testGenerator {function(relativePath, errors), returns reporter output string}: The function used to generate test modules. You can provide a custom function for your client side testing framework of choice.

      Default: null

      • relativePath - The relative path to the file being tested.
      • errors - An array of eslint error objects found.

      If you provide a string one of the predefined test generators is used. Currently supported are qunit and mocha.

      Example usage:

      var path = require('path');
      function testGenerator(relativePath, errors) {
        return "module('" + path.dirname(relativePath) + "');\n";
               "test('" + relativePath + "' should pass ESLint', function() {\n" +
               "  ok(" + passed + ", '" + moduleName + " should pass ESLint." + (errors ? "\\n" + errors : '') + "');\n" +
      return ESLint.create(inputNode, {
        options: {
          configFile: + '/eslint.json'
        testGenerator: testGenerator
    • group {string|undefined}: Groups the generated ESLint tests into a single file and test suite with the given group name.

      Default: undefined

    • throwOnError {boolean}: Cause exception error on first violation with error-level severity.

      Default: false

    • throwOnWarn {boolean}: Cause exception error on first violation with warn-level severity. NOTE: Setting this to true will automatically enable throwOnError behavior.

      Default: false

    • persist {boolean}: Persist the state of filter output across restarts

      Default: false

    • console: {Object}: A custom console object with a log method for broccoli-lint-eslint to use when logging formatter output.

      Default: The global console object

    • options {options}: Options native to ESLint CLI. While all options will be passed to the ESLint CLIEngine, these are the ones that broccoli-lint-eslint makes use of in particular:

      • configFile {string}: Path to eslint configuration file.

        Default: ./eslintrc

      • rulePaths {Array}: Paths to a directory with custom rules. Your custom rules will be used in addition to the built-in ones. Recommended read: Working with Rules.

        Default: built-in rules directory

      • ignore {boolean}: false disables use of .eslintignore, ignorePath and ignorePattern

        Default: true

    • extensions {Array}: File extensions to lint. NOTE: If you add Typescript files typescript-eslint-parser has to be installed and specified as the parser. For more information take a look at the typescript-eslint-parser

      Default: ['js']

npm i broccoli-lint-eslint


  • MIT
  • 8.* || >= 10.*
  • Jonathan Kingston
  • released 9/5/2019
