
Broccoli plugin to move a single file.
broccoli-plugin javascript

Broccoli's File Mover

This project has been replaced by broccoli-funnel. Please see migration process below.

Build Status

Migrating to broccoli-funnel

Instead of the following:

var tree = moveFile('packages/ember-metal/lib', {
  srcFile: 'main.js',
  destFile: '/ember-metal.js'

You would use:

var tree = new Funnel('packages/ember-metal/lib', {
  destDir: 'ember-metal',

  getDestinationPath: function(relativePath) {
    if (relativePath === 'main.js') {
      return 'ember-metal.js';

    return relativePath;


npm install --save-dev broccoli-file-mover


Moving a single file from app/main to app:

var moveFile = require('broccoli-file-mover');

var tree = moveFile('app', {
  srcFile: 'app/main.js',
  destFile: '/app.js'

Moving app/main to app and test/main to test:

var moveFile = require('broccoli-file-mover');

var tree = moveFile('app', {
  files: {
    'app/main.js': 'app.js',
    'test/main.js': 'test.js'


moveFile(inputTree, options)

options.srcFile {String}

The path of the file to move (starting location).

options.destFile {String}

The path to move the file to (final location).

options.files {Array|Object}

This allows specifying more than one move/copy operation at a time (and reduced the total number of trees/steps needed if you need to move many files).

  • If files is an object the key is used as the source path, and the value is the destination path.
  • If files is an array each item must be an object with a srcFile and destFile property. If copy is present it will be used also.

ZOMG!!! TESTS?!?!!?

I know, right?

Running the tests:

npm install
npm test


This project is distributed under the MIT license.

npm i broccoli-file-mover


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Robert Jackson
  • released 10/13/2014

