
A broccoli wrapper that enables output to multiple directories
broccoli cli


broccoli-destiny is a wrapper around broccoli that supports outputting Broccoli sub-trees to multiple target destinations.

broccoli-destiny provides a CLI and a programmatic interface.

CLI Usage

broccoli-destiny supports most of broccoli CLI's command line options. However, broccoli-destiny currently only supports the build command and does not support serve.

Single Output Destination

broccoli-destiny build ./dist

will output the entire Broccoli tree to the ./dist directory. This is essentially equivalent to broccoli build ./dist.

Multiple Output Destinations

Given the following Broccoli tree:

├── a
│   └── a.js
├── b
│   └── b.js
├── c
│   └── c.js
└── root.js
broccoli-destiny build a:./distA b:./distB dist

will output the sub-tree of ./a into ./distA, ./b into ./distB, and everything else into ./dist:

├── distA
│   └── a.js
├── distB
│   └── b.js
├── c
│   └── c.js
└── root.js


By default, broccoli-destiny will attempt to load a broccoli-destiny.config.js file, if it exists. You can specify your own file path using the --destiny-path option:

broccoli-destiny build --destiny-path=myCustomDestinyConfig.js

Configuration File

// export a function that accepts incoming Broccoli options
module.exports = (options) => {
  // return the config
  return {
    // outgoing Broccoli options (passed to Brocfile)
    // custom broccoli-destiny targets go here
    targets: [

    // plugins (see below)
    plugins: [],


Given the following Broccoli tree:

├── a
│   └── a.js
├── b
│   └── b.js
├── c
│   └── c.js
└── root.js

and the following broccoli-destiny.config.js:

const path = require('path');
module.exports = (options) => {
  return {
    targets: [
        input: 'a',
        output: path.resolve('distA'),
        input: 'b',
        output: path.resolve('distB'),
        input: '.',
        output: path.resolve('dist'),

and the following command:

broccoli-destiny build

will output the sub-tree of ./a into ./distA, ./b into ./distB, and everything else into ./dist:

├── distA
│   └── a.js
├── distB
│   └── b.js
├── c
│   └── c.js
└── root.js



// MyDestinyPlugin.js
const path = require('path');
const { BroccoliDestinyPlugin } = require('broccoli-destiny');
const subTreeDir = './my-custom-tree';

module.exports = class MyDestinyPlugin extends BroccoliDestinyPlugin {
  constructor(options) {
    this.customOptions = options;

  init(destiny, { targets }) {
    // initialize _before_ we load the Brocfile
    const { customOptions } = this;

    // return the new destiny targets
    return {
      // prepend our targets
      targets: [
        // <subTreeDir>/merged gets merged to <appRoot>/merged
          input: path.join(subTreeDir, 'merged'),
          output: path.join(customOptions.appRoot, 'merged'),
          // we want to preserve the existing _codegen directory, so merge our output
          merge: true,

        // everything else in <subTreeDir>/ gets merged to the buildDest
          input: destDir,
          output: customOptions.buildDest,

        // add the rest of the targets _after_ our custom targets

  // perform any custom setup actions to be invoked _before_ each build is started (but after Brocfile is loaded)
  setup() {
    // ...

  // perform any custom cleanup actions to be invoked _after_ each build has finished
  cleanup() {
    // ...
// broccoli-destiny.config.js
const MyDestinyPlugin = require('./MyDestinyPlugin');

module.exports = (options) => {
  return {
    plugins: [
      new MyDestinyPlugin({
        appRoot: __dirname,
        // where `options.environment` is the Broccoli environment
        buildDest: options.environment === 'production' ? path.resolve('./dist') : path.resolve('./tmp/dist')
npm i broccoli-destiny


  • MIT
  • >= 6.0.0
  • Eugene O'Neill
  • released 10/31/2019

