
A standardized way to make your bot context-aware. It exposes an API for enrichers which are procedures you can run to add variables to the context before sending to an NLU processor like Watson Conversation, LUIS or
chatbot bot chat pipeline context

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Enrich NLU contexts

Battle-tested middleware for botmaster


  • similar API to 'fulfill' middleware
  • allows caching of responses
  • manages merging
  • stuff anything else you need in your enrichers in params
  • callbacks, promises, and sync returns supported in controllers

Use cases

  • Scrapping websites for hours or telephone numbers to provide to bot
  • Validating user input



Enricher Spec

The enricher spec is an object that describes an enricher

Parameter Description
controller Function a controller that can return error last callback, a promise or sync. Called with (params, calback). Its result will be merged with the results from other controllers and the old context.
cache Boolean whether or not to cache the result
ttl Integer if caching how long the result should stay cached in milliseconds

Enricher controller params

The following properties are available in params.

Parameter Description
context the current context
update in botmaster the update is provided
bot in botmaster the bot is provided

Botmaster Ware


Run the given enrichers with context and update the given old context. Return using the callback.


  • options object options for the created middleware
    • options.enrichers object enrichers to run on the new context
    • options.params object? merged with the standard params passed to enricher controller

Returns enrich a function that can enrich context


Used to enrich a context


  • context Object context to enrich
  • callback Function error first callback, returns enriched context


Factory function to generate incoming ware for enrich


  • $0 Object options
    • $0.enrichers Object an object of enrichers
    • $0.sessionPath String? dot denoted path find the context in the update. defaults to 'context'
    • $0.params Object? optional additional params to pass to enrichers

Returns Function botmaster middleware


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Jonathan R Wickens
  • released 2/7/2017

