
BitGo JavaScript SDK
bitgo bitcoin bitgojs

BitGo JavaScript SDK

The BitGo Platform and SDK makes it easy to build multi-signature crypto-currency applications today with support for Bitcoin, Ethereum and many other coins. The SDK is fully integrated with the BitGo co-signing service for managing all of your BitGo wallets.

Included in the SDK are examples for how to use the API to manage your multi-signature wallets.

Please email us at [email protected] if you have questions or comments about this API.

Known Vulnerabilities BitGo SDK


Please make sure you are running at least Node version 8 (the latest LTS release is recommended) and NPM version 6. We recommend using nvm, the Node Version Manager, for setting your Node version.

npm install --save bitgo

Full Documentation

Please see our SDK Documentation for detailed information about the TypeScript SDK and functionality.

For more general information about the BitGo API, please see our REST API Documentation.

Release Notes

You can find the complete release notes (since version 4.44.0) here.

Example Usage

Initialize SDK

Create an access token by logging into your bitgo account, going to the API access tab in the settings area and making a developer token.

const BitGo = require('bitgo');
const bitgo = new BitGo.BitGo({ accessToken: ACCESS_TOKEN }); // defaults to testnet. add env: 'prod' if you want to go against mainnet
const result = await bitgo.session();

Create Wallet

const params = {
  passphrase: 'replaceme',
  label: 'firstwallet',
const { wallet } = await bitgo.coin('tbtc').wallets().generateWallet(params);

Create new address

const address = await wallet.createAddress();

View wallet transfers

const transfers = await wallet.transfers();

Send coins

const result = await wallet.sendCoins({
  address: '2NEe9QhKPB2gnQLB3hffMuDcoFKZFjHYJYx',
  amount: 0.01 * 1e8,
  walletPassphrase: 'replaceme',

More examples

Further demos and examples in both JavaScript and TypeScript can be found in the examples directory.

Enabling additional debugging output

bitgo uses the debug package to emit extra information, which can be useful when debugging issues with BitGoJS or BitGo Express.

When using the bitgo npm package, the easiest way to enable debug output is by setting the DEBUG environment variable to one or more of the debug namespaces in the table below. Multiple debug namespaces can be enabled by giving a comma-separated list or by using * as a wildcard. See the debug package documentation for more details.

Available Debug Namespaces

Namespace Description
bitgo:index Core BitGo object. Currently only constant fetch failures and HMAC response failures will emit debug information for this namespace.
bitgo:v1:txb Version 1 (legacy) transaction builder
bitgo:v2:pendingapprovals Pending approval operations. Currently only wallet fetch errors will emit debug information for this namespace.
bitgo:v2:wallet Wallet operations including transaction prebuild, sendMany calls and consolidation transactions
bitgo:v2:utxo Low level operations for UTXO coins, including transaction parsing, verification, signing and explanations
bitgo:v2:eth Ethereum specific output. Currently only failures to require the optional Ethereum libraries are reported
bitgo:v2:util SDK utilities specific output. Currently only failures to require the optional Ethereum libraries are reported

Another debug namespace which is not provided by BitGoJS but is helpful nonetheless is the superagent namespace, which will output all HTTP requests and responses (only the URL, not bodies).


To run an SDK script with debug output enabled, export the DEBUG environment variable before running.

export DEBUG='bitgo:*' # enable all bitgo debug namespaces
node myScript.js

To set debug namespaces in the browser, you should set localStorage.debug property instead of the DEBUG environment variable using your browser's development tools console.

localStorage.debug = 'bitgo:*'; // enable all bitgo debug namespaces

Using with TypeScript

bitgo is not yet compatible with the noImplicitAny compiler option. If you want to use this option in your project (and we recommend that you do), you must set the skipLibCheck option to supress errors about missing type definitions for dependencies of bitgo.

Usage in Browser

Since version 6, bitgo includes a minified, browser-compatible bundle by default at dist/browser/BitGoJS.min.js. It can be copied from there directly into your project.

BitGoJS can also be bundled with any module bundler. There is a Webpack configuration file already included, which can be triggered with package scripts.

For a production build: npm run-script compile

For a development (non-minified) build: npm run-script compile-dbg

To build the test suite into a single test file: npm run-script compile-test

