
Browser & Node.js builds of Binaryen, a compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly.
webassembly wasm


binaryen.js is a port of Binaryen to the Web, allowing you to generate WebAssembly using a JavaScript API.

Build status npm version npm nightly version


$> npm install binaryen
import binaryen from "binaryen";

// Create a module with a single function
var myModule = new binaryen.Module();

myModule.addFunction("add", binaryen.createType([ binaryen.i32, binaryen.i32 ]), binaryen.i32, [ binaryen.i32 ],
  myModule.block(null, [
        myModule.local.get(0, binaryen.i32),
        myModule.local.get(1, binaryen.i32)
      myModule.local.get(2, binaryen.i32)
myModule.addFunctionExport("add", "add");

// Optimize the module using default passes and levels

// Validate the module
if (!myModule.validate())
  throw new Error("validation error");

// Generate text format and binary
var textData = myModule.emitText();
var wasmData = myModule.emitBinary();

// Example usage with the WebAssembly API
var compiled = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmData);
var instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(compiled, {});
console.log(instance.exports.add(41, 1));

The buildbot also publishes nightly versions once a day if there have been changes. The latest nightly can be installed through

$> npm install binaryen@nightly

or you can use one of the previous versions instead if necessary.

Usage with a CDN

  • From GitHub via jsDelivr:
  • From npm via jsDelivr:
  • From npm via unpkg:

Replace VERSION with a specific version or omit it (not recommended in production) to use main/latest.

Command line

The package includes Node.js builds of Binaryen's command line tools: wasm-shell, wasm-opt, wasm-metadce, wasm2js, wasm-as, wasm-dis, wasm-ctor-eval, wasm-reduce and wasm-merge.


Please note that the Binaryen API is evolving fast and that definitions and documentation provided by the package tend to get out of sync despite our best efforts. It's a bot after all. If you rely on binaryen.js and spot an issue, please consider sending a PR our way by updating index.d.ts and to reflect the current API.


Future features 🦄 might not be supported by all runtimes.


  • none: Type
    The none type, e.g., void.

  • i32: Type
    32-bit integer type.

  • i64: Type
    64-bit integer type.

  • f32: Type
    32-bit float type.

  • f64: Type
    64-bit float (double) type.

  • v128: Type
    128-bit vector type. 🦄

  • funcref: Type
    A function reference. 🦄

  • externref: Type
    An external (host) reference. 🦄

  • anyref: Type
    Any (top type) reference. 🦄

  • eqref: Type
    Equal reference. 🦄

  • i31ref: Type
    i31 reference. 🦄

  • structref: Type
    Structure reference. 🦄

  • stringref: Type
    String reference. 🦄

  • stringview_wtf8: Type
    View of a string reference in WTF-8 encoding. 🦄

  • stringview_wtf16: Type
    View of a string reference in WTF-16 encoding. 🦄

  • stringview_iter: Type
    Iterator over the code points of a string reference. 🦄

  • unreachable: Type
    Special type indicating unreachable code when obtaining information about an expression.

  • auto: Type
    Special type used in Module#block exclusively. Lets the API figure out a block's result type automatically.

  • createType(types: Type[]): Type
    Creates a multi-value type from an array of types.

  • expandType(type: Type): Type[]
    Expands a multi-value type to an array of types.

Module construction

  • new Module()
    Constructs a new module.

  • parseText(text: string): Module
    Creates a module from Binaryen's s-expression text format (not official stack-style text format).

  • readBinary(data: Uint8Array): Module
    Creates a module from binary data.

Module manipulation

  • Module#addFunction(name: string, params: Type, results: Type, vars: Type[], body: ExpressionRef): FunctionRef
    Adds a function. vars indicate additional locals, in the given order.

  • Module#getFunction(name: string): FunctionRef
    Gets a function, by name,

  • Module#removeFunction(name: string): void
    Removes a function, by name.

  • Module#getNumFunctions(): number
    Gets the number of functions within the module.

  • Module#getFunctionByIndex(index: number): FunctionRef
    Gets the function at the specified index.

  • Module#addFunctionImport(internalName: string, externalModuleName: string, externalBaseName: string, params: Type, results: Type): void
    Adds a function import.

  • Module#addTableImport(internalName: string, externalModuleName: string, externalBaseName: string): void
    Adds a table import. There's just one table for now, using name "0".

  • Module#addMemoryImport(internalName: string, externalModuleName: string, externalBaseName: string): void
    Adds a memory import. There's just one memory for now, using name "0".

  • Module#addGlobalImport(internalName: string, externalModuleName: string, externalBaseName: string, globalType: Type): void
    Adds a global variable import. Imported globals must be immutable.

  • Module#addFunctionExport(internalName: string, externalName: string): ExportRef
    Adds a function export.

  • Module#addTableExport(internalName: string, externalName: string): ExportRef
    Adds a table export. There's just one table for now, using name "0".

  • Module#addMemoryExport(internalName: string, externalName: string): ExportRef
    Adds a memory export. There's just one memory for now, using name "0".

  • Module#addGlobalExport(internalName: string, externalName: string): ExportRef
    Adds a global variable export. Exported globals must be immutable.

  • Module#getNumExports(): number
    Gets the number of exports witin the module.

  • Module#getExportByIndex(index: number): ExportRef
    Gets the export at the specified index.

  • Module#removeExport(externalName: string): void
    Removes an export, by external name.

  • Module#addGlobal(name: string, type: Type, mutable: number, value: ExpressionRef): GlobalRef
    Adds a global instance variable.

  • Module#getGlobal(name: string): GlobalRef
    Gets a global, by name,

  • Module#removeGlobal(name: string): void
    Removes a global, by name.

  • Module#setMemory(initial: number, maximum: number, exportName: string | null, segments: MemorySegment[], shared?: boolean): void
    Sets the memory. There's just one memory for now, using name "0". Providing exportName also creates a memory export.

    • MemorySegment#offset: ExpressionRef
    • MemorySegment#data: Uint8Array
    • MemorySegment#passive: boolean
  • Module#getNumMemorySegments(): number
    Gets the number of memory segments within the module.

  • Module#getMemorySegmentInfoByIndex(index: number): MemorySegmentInfo
    Gets information about the memory segment at the specified index.

    • MemorySegmentInfo#offset: number
    • MemorySegmentInfo#data: Uint8Array
    • MemorySegmentInfo#passive: boolean
  • Module#setStart(start: FunctionRef): void
    Sets the start function.

  • Module#getFeatures(): Features
    Gets the WebAssembly features enabled for this module.

    Note that the return value may be a bitmask indicating multiple features. Possible feature flags are:

    • Features.MVP: Features
    • Features.Atomics: Features
    • Features.BulkMemory: Features
    • Features.MutableGlobals: Features
    • Features.NontrappingFPToInt: Features
    • Features.SignExt: Features
    • Features.SIMD128: Features
    • Features.ExceptionHandling: Features
    • Features.TailCall: Features
    • Features.ReferenceTypes: Features
    • Features.Multivalue: Features
    • Features.All: Features
  • Module#setFeatures(features: Features): void
    Sets the WebAssembly features enabled for this module.

  • Module#addCustomSection(name: string, contents: Uint8Array): void
    Adds a custom section to the binary.

  • Module#autoDrop(): void
    Enables automatic insertion of drop operations where needed. Lets you not worry about dropping when creating your code.

  • getFunctionInfo(ftype: FunctionRef: FunctionInfo
    Obtains information about a function.

    • FunctionInfo#name: string
    • FunctionInfo#module: string | null (if imported)
    • FunctionInfo#base: string | null (if imported)
    • FunctionInfo#params: Type
    • FunctionInfo#results: Type
    • FunctionInfo#vars: Type
    • FunctionInfo#body: ExpressionRef
  • getGlobalInfo(global: GlobalRef): GlobalInfo
    Obtains information about a global.

    • GlobalInfo#name: string
    • GlobalInfo#module: string | null (if imported)
    • GlobalInfo#base: string | null (if imported)
    • GlobalInfo#type: Type
    • GlobalInfo#mutable: boolean
    • GlobalInfo#init: ExpressionRef
  • getTableInfo(table: TableRef): TableInfo
    Obtains information about a table.

    • TableInfo#name: string
    • TableInfo#module: string | null (if imported)
    • TableInfo#base: string | null (if imported)
    • TableInfo#initial: number;
    • TableInfo#max?: number;
  • getExportInfo(export_: ExportRef): ExportInfo
    Obtains information about an export.

    • ExportInfo#kind: ExternalKind
    • ExportInfo#name: string
    • ExportInfo#value: string

    Possible ExternalKind values are:

    • ExternalFunction: ExternalKind
    • ExternalTable: ExternalKind
    • ExternalMemory: ExternalKind
    • ExternalGlobal: ExternalKind
    • ExternalTag: ExternalKind
  • getTagInfo(tag: TagRef): TagInfo
    Obtains information about a tag.

    • TagInfo#name: string
    • TagInfo#module: string | null (if imported)
    • TagInfo#base: string | null (if imported)
    • TagInfo#params: Type
    • TagInfo#results: Type
  • getSideEffects(expr: ExpressionRef, features: FeatureFlags): SideEffects
    Gets the side effects of the specified expression.

    • SideEffects.None: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.Branches: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.Calls: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.ReadsLocal: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.WritesLocal: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.ReadsGlobal: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.WritesGlobal: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.ReadsMemory: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.WritesMemory: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.ReadsTable: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.WritesTable: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.ImplicitTrap: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.IsAtomic: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.Throws: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.DanglingPop: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.TrapsNeverHappen: SideEffects
    • SideEffects.Any: SideEffects

Module validation

  • Module#validate(): boolean
    Validates the module. Returns true if valid, otherwise prints validation errors and returns false.

Module optimization

  • Module#optimize(): void
    Optimizes the module using the default optimization passes.

  • Module#optimizeFunction(func: FunctionRef | string): void
    Optimizes a single function using the default optimization passes.

  • Module#runPasses(passes: string[]): void
    Runs the specified passes on the module.

  • Module#runPassesOnFunction(func: FunctionRef | string, passes: string[]): void
    Runs the specified passes on a single function.

  • getOptimizeLevel(): number
    Gets the currently set optimize level. 0, 1, 2 correspond to -O0, -O1, -O2 (default), etc.

  • setOptimizeLevel(level: number): void
    Sets the optimization level to use. 0, 1, 2 correspond to -O0, -O1, -O2 (default), etc.

  • getShrinkLevel(): number
    Gets the currently set shrink level. 0, 1, 2 correspond to -O0, -Os (default), -Oz.

  • setShrinkLevel(level: number): void
    Sets the shrink level to use. 0, 1, 2 correspond to -O0, -Os (default), -Oz.

  • getDebugInfo(): boolean
    Gets whether generating debug information is currently enabled or not.

  • setDebugInfo(on: boolean): void
    Enables or disables debug information in emitted binaries.

  • getLowMemoryUnused(): boolean
    Gets whether the low 1K of memory can be considered unused when optimizing.

  • setLowMemoryUnused(on: boolean): void
    Enables or disables whether the low 1K of memory can be considered unused when optimizing.

  • getPassArgument(key: string): string | null
    Gets the value of the specified arbitrary pass argument.

  • setPassArgument(key: string, value: string | null): void
    Sets the value of the specified arbitrary pass argument. Removes the respective argument if value is null.

  • clearPassArguments(): void
    Clears all arbitrary pass arguments.

  • getAlwaysInlineMaxSize(): number
    Gets the function size at which we always inline.

  • setAlwaysInlineMaxSize(size: number): void
    Sets the function size at which we always inline.

  • getFlexibleInlineMaxSize(): number
    Gets the function size which we inline when functions are lightweight.

  • setFlexibleInlineMaxSize(size: number): void
    Sets the function size which we inline when functions are lightweight.

  • getOneCallerInlineMaxSize(): number
    Gets the function size which we inline when there is only one caller.

  • setOneCallerInlineMaxSize(size: number): void
    Sets the function size which we inline when there is only one caller.

Module creation

  • Module#emitBinary(): Uint8Array
    Returns the module in binary format.

  • Module#emitBinary(sourceMapUrl: string | null): BinaryWithSourceMap
    Returns the module in binary format with its source map. If sourceMapUrl is null, source map generation is skipped.

    • BinaryWithSourceMap#binary: Uint8Array
    • BinaryWithSourceMap#sourceMap: string | null
  • Module#emitText(): string
    Returns the module in Binaryen's s-expression text format (not official stack-style text format).

  • Module#emitStackIR(optimize?: boolean): string
    Returns the module in official stack-style text format.

  • Module#emitAsmjs(): string
    Returns the asm.js representation of the module.

  • Module#dispose(): void
    Releases the resources held by the module once it isn't needed anymore.

Expression construction

Control flow

  • Module#block(label: string | null, children: ExpressionRef[], resultType?: Type): ExpressionRef
    Creates a block. resultType defaults to none.

  • Module#if(condition: ExpressionRef, ifTrue: ExpressionRef, ifFalse?: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
    Creates an if or if/else combination.

  • Module#loop(label: string | null, body: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
    Creates a loop.

  • Module#br(label: string, condition?: ExpressionRef, value?: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
    Creates a branch (br) to a label.

  • Module#switch(labels: string[], defaultLabel: string, condition: ExpressionRef, value?: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
    Creates a switch (br_table).

  • Module#nop(): ExpressionRef
    Creates a no-operation (nop) instruction.

  • Module#return(value?: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef Creates a return.

  • Module#unreachable(): ExpressionRef
    Creates an unreachable instruction that will always trap.

  • Module#drop(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
    Creates a drop of a value.

  • Module#select(condition: ExpressionRef, ifTrue: ExpressionRef, ifFalse: ExpressionRef, type?: Type): ExpressionRef
    Creates a select of one of two values.

Variable accesses

  • Module#local.get(index: number, type: Type): ExpressionRef
    Creates a local.get for the local at the specified index. Note that we must specify the type here as we may not have created the local being accessed yet.

  • Module#local.set(index: number, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
    Creates a local.set for the local at the specified index.

  • Module#local.tee(index: number, value: ExpressionRef, type: Type): ExpressionRef
    Creates a local.tee for the local at the specified index. A tee differs from a set in that the value remains on the stack. Note that we must specify the type here as we may not have created the local being accessed yet.

  • Module#global.get(name: string, type: Type): ExpressionRef
    Creates a global.get for the global with the specified name. Note that we must specify the type here as we may not have created the global being accessed yet.

  • Module#global.set(name: string, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
    Creates a global.set for the global with the specified name.

Integer operations

  • Module#i32.const(value: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.clz(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.ctz(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.popcnt(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.eqz(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.add(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.sub(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.mul(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.div_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.div_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.rem_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.rem_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.and(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.or(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.xor(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.shl(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.shr_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.shr_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.rotl(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.rotr(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.eq(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.lt_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.lt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.le_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.le_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.gt_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.gt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.ge_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.ge_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.const(low: number, high: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.clz(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.ctz(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.popcnt(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.eqz(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.add(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.sub(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.mul(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.div_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.div_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.rem_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.rem_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.and(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.or(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.xor(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.shl(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.shr_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.shr_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.rotl(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.rotr(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.eq(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.lt_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.lt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.le_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.le_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.gt_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.gt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.ge_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.ge_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef

Floating point operations

  • Module#f32.const(value: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.const_bits(value: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.neg(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.abs(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.ceil(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.floor(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.trunc(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.nearest(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.sqrt(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.add(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.sub(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.mul(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.div(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.copysign(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.min(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.max(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.eq(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.le(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.const(value: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.const_bits(value: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.neg(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.abs(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.ceil(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.floor(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.trunc(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.nearest(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.sqrt(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.add(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.sub(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.mul(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.div(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.copysign(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.min(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.max(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.eq(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.le(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef

Datatype conversions

  • Module#i32.trunc_s.f32(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.trunc_s.f64(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.trunc_u.f32(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.trunc_u.f64(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.reinterpret(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.wrap(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.trunc_s.f32(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.trunc_s.f64(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.trunc_u.f32(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.trunc_u.f64(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.reinterpret(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.extend_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.extend_u(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.reinterpret(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.convert_s.i32(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.convert_s.i64(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.convert_u.i32(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.convert_u.i64(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.demote(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.reinterpret(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.convert_s.i32(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.convert_s.i64(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.convert_u.i32(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.convert_u.i64(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.promote(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef

Function calls

  • Module#call(name: string, operands: ExpressionRef[], returnType: Type): ExpressionRef Creates a call to a function. Note that we must specify the return type here as we may not have created the function being called yet.

  • Module#return_call(name: string, operands: ExpressionRef[], returnType: Type): ExpressionRef
    Like call, but creates a tail-call. 🦄

  • Module#call_indirect(target: ExpressionRef, operands: ExpressionRef[], params: Type, results: Type): ExpressionRef
    Similar to call, but calls indirectly, i.e., via a function pointer, so an expression replaces the name as the called value.

  • Module#return_call_indirect(target: ExpressionRef, operands: ExpressionRef[], params: Type, results: Type): ExpressionRef
    Like call_indirect, but creates a tail-call. 🦄

Linear memory accesses

  • Module#i32.load(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.load8_s(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.load8_u(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.load16_s(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.load16_u(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.store8(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.store16(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.load(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.load8_s(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.load8_u(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.load16_s(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.load16_u(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.load32_s(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.load32_u(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.store8(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.store16(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.store32(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.load(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.load(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef

Host operations

  • Module#memory.size(): ExpressionRef
  • Module#memory.grow(value: number): ExpressionRef

Vector operations 🦄

  • Module#v128.const(bytes: Uint8Array): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v128.load(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v128.not(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v128.and(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v128.or(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v128.xor(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v128.andnot(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v128.bitselect(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef, cond: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.splat(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.extract_lane_s(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.extract_lane_u(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.replace_lane(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.eq(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.lt_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.lt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.gt_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.gt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.le_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.lt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.ge_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.ge_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.neg(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.any_true(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.all_true(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.shl(vec: ExpressionRef, shift: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.shr_s(vec: ExpressionRef, shift: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.shr_u(vec: ExpressionRef, shift: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.add(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.add_saturate_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.add_saturate_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.sub(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.sub_saturate_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.sub_saturate_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.mul(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.min_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.min_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.max_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.max_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.avgr_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.narrow_i16x8_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i8x16.narrow_i16x8_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.splat(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.extract_lane_s(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.extract_lane_u(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.replace_lane(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.eq(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.lt_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.lt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.gt_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.gt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.le_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.lt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.ge_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.ge_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.neg(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.any_true(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.all_true(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.shl(vec: ExpressionRef, shift: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.shr_s(vec: ExpressionRef, shift: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.shr_u(vec: ExpressionRef, shift: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.add(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.add_saturate_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.add_saturate_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.sub(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.sub_saturate_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.sub_saturate_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.mul(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.min_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.min_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.max_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.max_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.avgr_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.narrow_i32x4_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.narrow_i32x4_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.widen_low_i8x16_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.widen_high_i8x16_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.widen_low_i8x16_u(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.widen_high_i8x16_u(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.load8x8_s(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i16x8.load8x8_u(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.splat(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.extract_lane_s(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.extract_lane_u(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.replace_lane(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.eq(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.lt_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.lt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.gt_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.gt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.le_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.lt_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.ge_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.ge_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.neg(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.any_true(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.all_true(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.shl(vec: ExpressionRef, shift: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.shr_s(vec: ExpressionRef, shift: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.shr_u(vec: ExpressionRef, shift: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.add(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.sub(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.mul(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.min_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.min_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.max_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.max_u(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.dot_i16x8_s(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.trunc_sat_f32x4_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.trunc_sat_f32x4_u(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.widen_low_i16x8_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.widen_high_i16x8_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.widen_low_i16x8_u(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.widen_high_i16x8_u(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.load16x4_s(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32x4.load16x4_u(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.splat(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.extract_lane_s(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.extract_lane_u(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.replace_lane(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.neg(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.any_true(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.all_true(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.shl(vec: ExpressionRef, shift: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.shr_s(vec: ExpressionRef, shift: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.shr_u(vec: ExpressionRef, shift: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.add(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.sub(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.trunc_sat_f64x2_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.trunc_sat_f64x2_u(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.load32x2_s(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64x2.load32x2_u(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.splat(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.extract_lane(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.replace_lane(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.eq(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.le(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.abs(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.neg(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.sqrt(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.qfma(a: ExpressionRef, b: ExpressionRef, c: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.qfms(a: ExpressionRef, b: ExpressionRef, c: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.add(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.sub(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.mul(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.div(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.min(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.max(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.convert_i32x4_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32x4.convert_i32x4_u(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.splat(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.extract_lane(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.replace_lane(vec: ExpressionRef, index: number, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.eq(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.le(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.abs(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.neg(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.sqrt(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.qfma(a: ExpressionRef, b: ExpressionRef, c: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.qfms(a: ExpressionRef, b: ExpressionRef, c: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.add(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.sub(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.mul(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.div(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.min(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.max(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.convert_i64x2_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64x2.convert_i64x2_u(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v8x16.shuffle(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef, mask: Uint8Array): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v8x16.swizzle(left: ExpressionRef, right: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v8x16.load_splat(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v16x8.load_splat(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v32x4.load_splat(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v64x2.load_splat(offset: number, align: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef

Atomic memory accesses 🦄

  • Module#i32.atomic.load(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.load8_u(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.load16_u(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.store8(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.store16(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.load(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.load8_u(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.load16_u(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.load32_u(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.store8(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.store16(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.store32(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef

Atomic read-modify-write operations 🦄

  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw.add(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw.sub(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw.and(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw.or(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw.xor(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw.xchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, expected: ExpressionRef, replacement: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw8_u.add(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw8_u.sub(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw8_u.and(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw8_u.or(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw8_u.xor(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw8_u.xchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw8_u.cmpxchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, expected: ExpressionRef, replacement: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw16_u.add(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw16_u.sub(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw16_u.and(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw16_u.or(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw16_u.xor(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw16_u.xchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.atomic.rmw16_u.cmpxchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, expected: ExpressionRef, replacement: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw.add(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw.sub(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw.and(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw.or(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw.xor(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw.xchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw.cmpxchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, expected: ExpressionRef, replacement: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw8_u.add(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw8_u.sub(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw8_u.and(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw8_u.or(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw8_u.xor(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw8_u.xchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw8_u.cmpxchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, expected: ExpressionRef, replacement: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw16_u.add(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw16_u.sub(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw16_u.and(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw16_u.or(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw16_u.xor(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw16_u.xchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw16_u.cmpxchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, expected: ExpressionRef, replacement: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw32_u.add(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw32_u.sub(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw32_u.and(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw32_u.or(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw32_u.xor(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw32_u.xchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.atomic.rmw32_u.cmpxchg(offset: number, ptr: ExpressionRef, expected: ExpressionRef, replacement: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef

Atomic wait and notify operations 🦄

  • Module#memory.atomic.wait32(ptr: ExpressionRef, expected: ExpressionRef, timeout: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#memory.atomic.wait64(ptr: ExpressionRef, expected: ExpressionRef, timeout: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#memoryatomic.notify(ptr: ExpressionRef, notifyCount: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#atomic.fence(): ExpressionRef

Sign extension operations 🦄

  • Module#i32.extend8_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.extend16_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.extend8_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.extend16_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.extend32_s(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef

Multi-value operations 🦄

Note that these are pseudo instructions enabling Binaryen to reason about multiple values on the stack.

  • Module#push(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i32.pop(): ExpressionRef
  • Module#i64.pop(): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f32.pop(): ExpressionRef
  • Module#f64.pop(): ExpressionRef
  • Module#v128.pop(): ExpressionRef
  • Module#funcref.pop(): ExpressionRef
  • Module#anyref.pop(): ExpressionRef
  • Module#externref.pop(): ExpressionRef
  • Module#tuple.make(elements: ExpressionRef[]): ExpressionRef
  • Module#tuple.extract(tuple: ExpressionRef, index: number): ExpressionRef

Exception handling operations 🦄

  • Module#try(name: string, body: ExpressionRef, catchTags: string[], catchBodies: ExpressionRef[], delegateTarget?: string): ExpressionRef
  • Module#throw(tag: string, operands: ExpressionRef[]): ExpressionRef
  • Module#rethrow(target: string): ExpressionRef
  • Module#addTag(name: string, params: Type, results: Type): TagRef
  • Module#getTag(name: string): TagRef
  • Module#removeTag(name: stirng): void
  • Module#addTagImport(internalName: string, externalModuleName: string, externalBaseName: string, params: Type, results: Type): void
  • Module#addTagExport(internalName: string, externalName: string): ExportRef

Reference types operations 🦄

  • Module#ref.null(): ExpressionRef
  • Module#ref.is_null(value: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#ref.func(name: string): ExpressionRef

Bulk memory operations 🦄

  • Module#memory.init(segment: string, dest: ExpressionRef, offset: ExpressionRef, size: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#memory.copy(dest: ExpressionRef, source: ExpressionRef, size: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#memory.fill(dest: ExpressionRef, value: ExpressionRef, size: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
  • Module#data.drop(segment: string): ExpressionRef

Expression manipulation

  • getExpressionId(expr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionId
    Gets the id (kind) of the specified expression. Possible values are:

    • InvalidId: ExpressionId
    • BlockId: ExpressionId
    • IfId: ExpressionId
    • LoopId: ExpressionId
    • BreakId: ExpressionId
    • SwitchId: ExpressionId
    • CallId: ExpressionId
    • CallIndirectId: ExpressionId
    • LocalGetId: ExpressionId
    • LocalSetId: ExpressionId
    • GlobalGetId: ExpressionId
    • GlobalSetId: ExpressionId
    • LoadId: ExpressionId
    • StoreId: ExpressionId
    • ConstId: ExpressionId
    • UnaryId: ExpressionId
    • BinaryId: ExpressionId
    • SelectId: ExpressionId
    • DropId: ExpressionId
    • ReturnId: ExpressionId
    • NopId: ExpressionId
    • UnreachableId: ExpressionId
    • AtomicCmpxchgId: ExpressionId
    • AtomicRMWId: ExpressionId
    • AtomicWaitId: ExpressionId
    • AtomicNotifyId: ExpressionId
    • AtomicFenceId: ExpressionId
    • SIMDExtractId: ExpressionId
    • SIMDReplaceId: ExpressionId
    • SIMDShuffleId: ExpressionId
    • SIMDTernaryId: ExpressionId
    • SIMDShiftId: ExpressionId
    • SIMDLoadId: ExpressionId
    • MemoryInitId: ExpressionId
    • DataDropId: ExpressionId
    • MemoryCopyId: ExpressionId
    • MemoryFillId: ExpressionId
    • RefNullId: ExpressionId
    • RefIsNullId: ExpressionId
    • RefFuncId: ExpressionId
    • TryId: ExpressionId
    • ThrowId: ExpressionId
    • RethrowId: ExpressionId
    • PushId: ExpressionId
    • PopId: ExpressionId
  • getExpressionType(expr: ExpressionRef): Type
    Gets the type of the specified expression.

  • getExpressionInfo(expr: ExpressionRef): ExpressionInfo
    Obtains information about an expression, always including:

    • Info#id: ExpressionId
    • Info#type: Type

    Additional properties depend on the expression's id and are usually equivalent to the respective parameters when creating such an expression:

    • BlockInfo#name: string
    • BlockInfo#children: ExpressionRef[]
    • IfInfo#condition: ExpressionRef
    • IfInfo#ifTrue: ExpressionRef
    • IfInfo#ifFalse: ExpressionRef | null
    • LoopInfo#name: string
    • LoopInfo#body: ExpressionRef
    • BreakInfo#name: string
    • BreakInfo#condition: ExpressionRef | null
    • BreakInfo#value: ExpressionRef | null
    • SwitchInfo#names: string[]
    • SwitchInfo#defaultName: string | null
    • SwitchInfo#condition: ExpressionRef
    • SwitchInfo#value: ExpressionRef | null
    • CallInfo#target: string
    • CallInfo#operands: ExpressionRef[]
    • CallImportInfo#target: string
    • CallImportInfo#operands: ExpressionRef[]
    • CallIndirectInfo#target: ExpressionRef
    • CallIndirectInfo#operands: ExpressionRef[]
    • LocalGetInfo#index: number
    • LocalSetInfo#isTee: boolean
    • LocalSetInfo#index: number
    • LocalSetInfo#value: ExpressionRef
    • GlobalGetInfo#name: string
    • GlobalSetInfo#name: string
    • GlobalSetInfo#value: ExpressionRef
    • LoadInfo#isAtomic: boolean
    • LoadInfo#isSigned: boolean
    • LoadInfo#offset: number
    • LoadInfo#bytes: number
    • LoadInfo#align: number
    • LoadInfo#ptr: ExpressionRef
    • StoreInfo#isAtomic: boolean
    • StoreInfo#offset: number
    • StoreInfo#bytes: number
    • StoreInfo#align: number
    • StoreInfo#ptr: ExpressionRef
    • StoreInfo#value: ExpressionRef
    • ConstInfo#value: number | { low: number, high: number }
    • UnaryInfo#op: number
    • UnaryInfo#value: ExpressionRef
    • BinaryInfo#op: number
    • BinaryInfo#left: ExpressionRef
    • BinaryInfo#right: ExpressionRef
    • SelectInfo#ifTrue: ExpressionRef
    • SelectInfo#ifFalse: ExpressionRef
    • SelectInfo#condition: ExpressionRef
    • DropInfo#value: ExpressionRef
    • ReturnInfo#value: ExpressionRef | null
    • NopInfo
    • UnreachableInfo
    • PopInfo
    • MemorySizeInfo
    • MemoryGrowInfo#delta: ExpressionRef
    • AtomicRMWInfo#op: number
    • AtomicRMWInfo#bytes: number
    • AtomicRMWInfo#offset: number
    • AtomicRMWInfo#ptr: ExpressionRef
    • AtomicRMWInfo#value: ExpressionRef
    • AtomicCmpxchgInfo#bytes: number
    • AtomicCmpxchgInfo#offset: number
    • AtomicCmpxchgInfo#ptr: ExpressionRef
    • AtomicCmpxchgInfo#expected: ExpressionRef
    • AtomicCmpxchgInfo#replacement: ExpressionRef
    • AtomicWaitInfo#ptr: ExpressionRef
    • AtomicWaitInfo#expected: ExpressionRef
    • AtomicWaitInfo#timeout: ExpressionRef
    • AtomicWaitInfo#expectedType: Type
    • AtomicNotifyInfo#ptr: ExpressionRef
    • AtomicNotifyInfo#notifyCount: ExpressionRef
    • AtomicFenceInfo
    • SIMDExtractInfo#op: Op
    • SIMDExtractInfo#vec: ExpressionRef
    • SIMDExtractInfo#index: ExpressionRef
    • SIMDReplaceInfo#op: Op
    • SIMDReplaceInfo#vec: ExpressionRef
    • SIMDReplaceInfo#index: ExpressionRef
    • SIMDReplaceInfo#value: ExpressionRef
    • SIMDShuffleInfo#left: ExpressionRef
    • SIMDShuffleInfo#right: ExpressionRef
    • SIMDShuffleInfo#mask: Uint8Array
    • SIMDTernaryInfo#op: Op
    • SIMDTernaryInfo#a: ExpressionRef
    • SIMDTernaryInfo#b: ExpressionRef
    • SIMDTernaryInfo#c: ExpressionRef
    • SIMDShiftInfo#op: Op
    • SIMDShiftInfo#vec: ExpressionRef
    • SIMDShiftInfo#shift: ExpressionRef
    • SIMDLoadInfo#op: Op
    • SIMDLoadInfo#offset: number
    • SIMDLoadInfo#align: number
    • SIMDLoadInfo#ptr: ExpressionRef
    • MemoryInitInfo#segment: number
    • MemoryInitInfo#dest: ExpressionRef
    • MemoryInitInfo#offset: ExpressionRef
    • MemoryInitInfo#size: ExpressionRef
    • MemoryDropInfo#segment: number
    • MemoryCopyInfo#dest: ExpressionRef
    • MemoryCopyInfo#source: ExpressionRef
    • MemoryCopyInfo#size: ExpressionRef
    • MemoryFillInfo#dest: ExpressionRef
    • MemoryFillInfo#value: ExpressionRef
    • MemoryFillInfo#size: ExpressionRef
    • RefNullInfo
    • RefIsInfo#op: Operations
    • RefIsInfo#value: ExpressionRef
    • RefAsInfo#op: Operations
    • RefAsInfo#value: ExpressionRef
    • RefFuncInfo#func: string
    • RefEqInfo#left: ExpressionRef
    • RefEqInfo#right: ExpressionRef
    • TryInfo#name: string
    • TryInfo#body: ExpressionRef
    • TryInfo#catchBodies: ExpressionRef[]
    • TryInfo#ccatchBodies: ExpressionRef[];
    • TryInfo#chasCatchAll: boolean;
    • TryInfo#cdelegateTarget: string;
    • TryInfo#cisDelegate: boolean;
    • ThrowInfo#tag: string
    • ThrowInfo#operands: ExpressionRef[]
    • RethrowInfo#target: string
    • TupleMakeInfo#operands: ExpressionRef[]
    • TupleExtract#tuple: ExpressionRef
    • TupleExtract#index: number
    • RefI31Info#value: ExpressionRef
    • I31GetInfo#i31: ExpressionRef
    • I31GetInfo#isSigned: boolean
    • PushInfo#value: ExpressionRef
  • emitText(expression: ExpressionRef): string
    Emits the expression in Binaryen's s-expression text format (not official stack-style text format).

  • copyExpression(expression: ExpressionRef): ExpressionRef
    Creates a deep copy of an expression.


  • new Relooper()
    Constructs a relooper instance. This lets you provide an arbitrary CFG, and the relooper will structure it for WebAssembly.

  • Relooper#addBlock(code: ExpressionRef): RelooperBlockRef
    Adds a new block to the CFG, containing the provided code as its body.

  • Relooper#addBranch(from: RelooperBlockRef, to: RelooperBlockRef, condition: ExpressionRef, code: ExpressionRef): void
    Adds a branch from a block to another block, with a condition (or nothing, if this is the default branch to take from the origin - each block must have one such branch), and optional code to execute on the branch (useful for phis).

  • Relooper#addBlockWithSwitch(code: ExpressionRef, condition: ExpressionRef): RelooperBlockRef
    Adds a new block, which ends with a switch/br_table, with provided code and condition (that determines where we go in the switch).

  • Relooper#addBranchForSwitch(from: RelooperBlockRef, to: RelooperBlockRef, indexes: number[], code: ExpressionRef): void
    Adds a branch from a block ending in a switch, to another block, using an array of indexes that determine where to go, and optional code to execute on the branch.

  • Relooper#renderAndDispose(entry: RelooperBlockRef, labelHelper: number, module: Module): ExpressionRef
    Renders and cleans up the Relooper instance. Call this after you have created all the blocks and branches, giving it the entry block (where control flow begins), a label helper variable (an index of a local we can use, necessary for irreducible control flow), and the module. This returns an expression - normal WebAssembly code - that you can use normally anywhere.

Source maps

  • Module#addDebugInfoFileName(filename: string): number
    Adds a debug info file name to the module and returns its index.

  • Module#getDebugInfoFileName(index: number): string | null
    Gets the name of the debug info file at the specified index.

  • Module#setDebugLocation(func: FunctionRef, expr: ExpressionRef, fileIndex: number, lineNumber: number, columnNumber: number): void
    Sets the debug location of the specified ExpressionRef within the specified FunctionRef.


  • Module#interpret(): void
    Runs the module in the interpreter, calling the start function.

