
Take a string and a number and perform binary case switching on alpha characters.
case letter alpha

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Take a string and a number and perform binary case switching on alpha characters.


const binaryCase = require('binary-case');

// 3 in binary = 011
const number = 3;

// 011 reversed to 110 so the first 2 characters will toggle case
const value = binaryCase('abc', 3);     // value: "ABc"


$ npm install binary-case


binaryCase ( string, number [, options ] ) : string | boolean

Take a string and a number and perform binary case switching on alpha characters.


  • string - The string value to toggle alpha character cases on.

  • number - A number that will be converted to binary to determine case switching.

  • options - An optional object that defines options for the function.

    • allowOverflow - Defaults to true. Set to false to have the binaryCase function return false when the number provided creates a binary string that is larger than the number of alpha characters in the string provided to be converted. Overflow will cause case switching sequences to repeat.

      binaryCase('abc', 0);                               // 'abc'
      binaryCase('abc', 8);                               // 'abc'
      binaryCase('abc', 8, { allowOverflow: false });     // false

Returns a string if successful or false on failure.

binaryCase.iterator ( string [, options ] ) : object

Get an iterator object that will allow iteration through all variations of the string's casing.


  • string - The string to produce case variations for.

  • options - An optional object that defines options for the iterator.

    • startIndex - The number to start with for producing variations. This will reduce the total number of possible variations.

Returns an object with a next property.


const iterator = binaryCase.iterator('abc');;  // 'abc';  // 'Abc';  // 'aBc';  // 'ABc'

binaryCase.maxNumber ( string ) : number

Determine the maximum number that can be used before causing repeating case variations.


  • string - The string value to count the number of possible case variations on.

Returns a number.

This calculation is simple:

  1. Determine how many alpha characters exist in the string (a through z and A through Z)
  2. The result is 2 to the power of the number of alpha characters, minus 1.

For example: abc has 3 alpha characters. 2^3 - 1 = 7

binaryCase.variations ( string ) : string[]

Get an array of all possible case variations.


  • string - The string value to get case variations for.

Returns an array of strings.


