
build files finder service
buildfiles build files static assets


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BFFS (Build files finder service) is a module that helps with the storage and retrieval of build files for

It stores the build files and gzip version of the build file. In addition to that it also stores all meta for a given build so it can be retrieved again by searching for the spec it was build with (version, name and environment)


npm install --save bffs


In all API examples we assume that you've already created a new BFFS instance, this is how you setup a new instance:

'use strict';

const Redis = require('ioredis');
const BFFS = require('bffs');

const bffs = new BFFS({
  store: new Redis()

As you can see in the example above, the constructor accepts a single options argument this options object can contain the following properties:

  • store an ioredis client instance that can be used
  • cache Options that are directly passed in to the hotpath module for hotpath cache optimization.
  • cdn The root or prefix of the build files URL's.
  • env An array of environments that we support.


Fetch a completed build file. The method requires the following arguments:

  • The fingerprint + extension of the buildfile that you're trying to retrieve.
  • Boolean that indicates if you want to have a pre-gzipped version instead.
  • Completion callback which follows the error first callback pattern.'0810984t019823098d08a.js', false, function (err, data) {


Search for previously published builds of modules. This method accepts 3 arguments:

  • Object with a build specification that needs to be fetched. It requires the name, version and env properties to be set.
  • Optional argument which will be passed in to the key method to generate a specific a key. Only used internally
  • Completion callback which follows the error first callback pattern.{
  name: 'wsb-pancakes',
  version: '1.2.4',
  env: 'test'
}, function (err, meta) {



Publish a new build, this does a couple of things. It stores the content and compressed keys as "build" files using the fingerprint key as file name. The rest of the data is stored as meta build data which should give some detailed information about the build it self.

This method requires 3 arguments:

  • Object with a build specification that needs to be fetched. It requires the name, version and env properties to be set.
  • Object with a files array that contains compressed, content and fingerprint as minimum requirements. You don't need to add the name, version and env properties to this object as we will merge those in from the first supplied argument.
  • Completion callback which follows the error first callback pattern.
  name: 'wsb-pancakes',
  version: '1.2.5',
  env: 'test'
}, {
  promote: false, // prevents creating BuildHead based on the created Build
  files: [{
    content: fs.readFileSync('file.js'),
    compressed: fs.readFileSync('file.js.gz'),
    fingerprint: fingerprinter(fs.readFileSync('file.js')).id
}, function (err) {



Promotes the Build defined by the given spec (name, env, version) to be the BuildHead for every locale it was built for. Useful for when a build was published using promote: false functionality.

  name: 'my-package',
  env: 'test',
  version: '3.4.5'
}, (err) => {
  if (err) return /* handle me */


Sets the current BuildHead to the given name, env, and version while also setting keeping record of the prior build via rollbackBuildId.

  name: 'my-package',
  env: 'test'
}, /* optional /* '1.5.6', (err) => {
  if (err) return /* handle me */


Get all the meta data from a given build for every support environment. This method requires 2 arguments:

  • Object with a build specification that needs to be fetched. It requires the name, version properties to be set.
  • Completion callback which follows the error first callback pattern.
  name: 'wsb-pancakes',
  version: '1.1.1'
}, function (err, meta) {



Store the build id as indication that a given package is already building. The build will stay active until the supplied timeout or stop method has been called. This method requires 4 arguments:

  • Object with a build specification that needs to be fetched. It requires the name, version and env properties to be set.
  • The id of the build.
  • Timeout of the build as number.
  • Completion callback which follows the error first callback pattern.
  name: 'wsb-pancakes',
  version: '1.2.5',
  env: 'test'
}, '98798ad0-afd7a0-afasdfas901', 27E2, function (err) {


Check if a given build set is active and returns the jobs of the builds if this is the case. It requires 2 arguments:

  • Object with a build specification that needs to be fetched. It requires the name, version and env properties to be set.
  • Completion callback which follows the error first callback pattern.{
  name: 'wsb-pancakes',
  version: '1.2.5',
  env: 'test'
}, function (err, jobs) {
  // jobs is an array with a `key` and `value` property.
  // The `value` is the `id` of the job.


Stop and remove the indication that a build is running. It requires 2 arguments:

  name: 'wsb-pancakes',
  version: '1.2.5',
  env: 'test'
}, function (err) {



Get running build information. It requires 2 arguments:

  name: 'wsb-pancakes',
  version: '1.2.5',
  env: 'test'
}, function (err, job) {



Stop the build and clear it from cache. It requires 2 arguments:

  name: 'wsb-pancakes',
  version: '1.2.5',
  env: 'test'
}, function (err) {



A key/value database (i.e Redis or similar) should be running local.

docker pull redis:latest
npm run redis

Also run an AWS local cloud stack, pull latest localstack. This requires docker to be setup.

docker pull localstack/localstack:latest
npm run localstack

Run tests in a separate terminal.

npm test
npm i bffs


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • GoDaddy Operating Company LLC
  • released 6/11/2020
