
A javascript client to the BeepBoop Persist key/value store
beepboop keyvalue persist

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Beep Boop Persist Key/Value Store JS Client

This is a node.js client for the Beep Boop Persist service. Though Persist only stores simple strings, this client will automatically JSON.stringify and JSON.parse objects passed as values.

If running on Beep Boop the below example should just work. If running outside of Beep Boop it will fall back to an in memory store. See further configuration options below.

var kv = require('beepboop-persist')()

kv.set('a key', 'the key, is water', function (err) {
  // handle error :)
  kv.get('a key', function (err, val) {
    // handle error :)
    // val should be 'the key, is water'

    kv.list(function (err, keys) {
      // handle error :)
      // keys should be ['a key']
      kv.del('a key', function (err) {
        // handle error :)
        // 'a key' should be deleted


Returns a Beep Boop Perist api:

  • options.serialize - defaults to true - all values will be run through JSON.stringify() and JSON.parse()
  • options.token - defaults to process.env.BEEPBOOP_TOKEN - auth token passed into environment by Beep Boop
  • options.url - defaults to process.env.BEEPBOOP_PERSIST_URL || process.env.BEEPBOOP_API_URL || '' - service url passed into environment by Beep Boop
  • options.debug - defaults to false - if true then api calls and errors are logged.
  • options.logger - defaults to null - Should be an object w/ a debug and error function.
  • options.provider - defaults to null, acceptable values are "memory", "beepboop", or "fs" - this provides a way to override provider selection logic. If this isn't explicitly set, then the "beepboop" provider is used when both token and url are present. Otherwise the "memory" provider is used. "fs" can be used when running outside of Beep Boop to make data survive restarts. This provider shouldn't be used while running on Beep Boop though since the disks are ephemeral.
  • - defaults to .persist under module - Only used with the fs filesystem provider (meant for testing only) to control where data is stored.

.set(key, value, callback)

Set a value for a key. If value is not a string it will be JSON.stringify()'d if options.serialize is true

let obj = { foo: 'bar', baz: 1 }
kv.set('a key', obj, function (err) {
  // check for err

.get(key, callback)

Get a value for a key. If val is a string, it will be passed as such, otherwise it is JSON.parse()'d if options.serialize is true

kv.get('a key', function (err, val) {
  // check for err

.mget(keys, callback)

Get multiple values for a key.

kv.set('key1', 'string value', function (err) {})
kv.set('key2', { foo: 'bar' }, function (err) {})

let keys = ['key1', 'key1', 'non-existent-key']

kv.mget(keys, function (err, result) {
  // check for err

  // result = ['string value', { foo: 'bar' }, null]

.del(key, callback)

Delete a value at a key

kv.del('a key', function (err) {
  // check for err

.list(begins, callback)

List all keys:

kv.list(function (err, keys) {
  // check for err

  // keys is array of strings like ['key1', 'key2', 'baz3']

List keys that begin with a prefix:

// beings with 'key' for example
kv.list('key', function (err, keys) {
  // check for err

  // keys is array of strings like ['key1', 'key2']
npm i beepboop-persist


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Mike Brevoort
  • released 1/25/2017
