
beepboop eases hosting a botkit based bot on the beepboop hosting platform.
beepboop botkit slack bot

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The beepboop bot multi-team management node module

beepboop allows bot developers to run on the Beep Boop HQ bot hosting platform and support multiple teams from a single bot process. Simply require beepboop in your bot project and listen for events indicating a user has requested your bot to be added, updated, or removed from their team.

If you are using Botkit, we recommend using beepboop-botkit so spawning and connecting to teams is handled for you.


npm install --save beepboop


Testing your bot locally

TODO: Add link to multi-team article

At a minimum, the client needs the following environment variables set which can be obtained from the development area of the site.

  • BEEPBOOP_RESOURCER -- url to the Beep Boop Server
  • BEEPBOOP_TOKEN -- authentication toke for Beep Boop Server
  • BEEPBOOP_ID -- unique identifier for your bot process

In production, these values will be set automatically.

Connect to Beep Boop and listen for events like so:

var BeepBoop = require('beepboop')

var beepboop = BeepBoop.start()

// listen for events
  .on('open', function () {
    console.log('connected to resource server')
  .on('add_resource', function (msg) {
    console.log('received request to add bot to team')
    // handle adding team to bot

see examples/simple.js for more.

Module: beepboop

Module has exported function start

BeepBoop.start([options Object])

  • options.debug Boolean - Logs debug output if true
  • Returns an EventEmitter2 instance that emits the following events. The events emitted are largely pass-throughs of events emitted by the ws WebSocket implementation module used:

Event: open

  • Emitted when the connection is established.
beepboop.on('open', function () {
  console.log('connection to Beep Boop server opened')

Event: error

  • Errors with the connection and underlying WebSocket are emitted here.
beepboop.on('error', function (error) {
  console.log('Error from Beep Boop connection: ', err)

Event: close

  • Is emitted when the WebSocket connection is closed.
beepboop.on('close', function (code, message) {
  console.log('Connection to Beep Boop was closed')

Event: add_resource

Is emitted when an add_resource message is received, indicating a user has requested an instance of the bot to be added to their team.

beepboop.on('add_resource', function (message) {
  console.log('Team added: ', message)
  // Create a connection to the Slack RTM on behalf of the team

An add_resource message looks as follows:

  "type": "add_resource",
  "date": "2016-03-18T20:58:52.907804207Z",
  "msgID": "106e930b-1c83-4406-801d-caf04e30da71",
  // unique identifier for this team connection
  "resourceID": "75f9c7334807421bb914c1cff8d4486c",
  "resourceType": "SlackApp",
  "resource": {
    // Token you should use to connect to the Slack RTM API
    "SlackBotAccessToken": "xoxb-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "SlackBotUserID": "XXXXXXXXX",
    "SlackBotUserName": "name-of-bot-user",
    // Regular access token - will contain additional scopes requested
    "SlackAccessToken": "XXXXXXXXX",
    "SlackTeamName": "Name of Team",
    "SlackTeamID": "XXXXXXXXX",
    "SlackUserID": "XXXXXXXXX",

For keeping track of multiple team's RTM socket connections, you would want to create an mapping based on the message.resourceID, as it is the unique value you'll receive when a user requests to remove the bot from their team.

Event: update_resource

  • Is emitted when an update_resource message is received, indicating a request to update the instance of the bot has been sent. The bot maker updating the bot, or a bot owner updating configuration are two cases that can trigger an update.
beepboop.on('update_resource', function (message) {
  console.log('Team Updated: ', message)
  // may need to update local config for team or re-establish the Slack RTM connection

An update_resource message looks as follows, very similar to the add_resource:

  "type": "update_resource",
  "date": "2016-03-18T21:02:49.719711877Z",
  "msgID": "2ca94d34-ef04-4167-8363-c778d129b8f1",
  "resourceID": "75f9c7334807421bb914c1cff8d4486c",
  "resource": {
    // Token you should use to connect to the Slack RTM API
    "SlackBotAccessToken": "xoxb-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "SlackBotUserID": "XXXXXXXXX",
    "SlackBotUserName": "name-of-bot-user",
    // Regular access token - will contain additional scopes requested
    "SlackAccessToken": "XXXXXXXXX",
    "SlackTeamName": "Name of Team",
    "SlackTeamID": "XXXXXXXXX",
    "SlackUserID": "XXXXXXXXX",
    "CUSTOM_CONFIG": "Updated Value for Config"

Event: remove_resource

  • Is emitted when an remove_resource message is received, indicating a bot owner has removed a bot from their team. You should disconnect from the Slack RTM API on behalf of the requested team.
beepboop.on('remove_resource', function (message) {
  console.log('Team Removed: ', message)
  // You'll want to disconnect from the Slack RTM connection you made, and perform any cleanup needed

A remove_resource message looks as follows:

  "type": "remove_resource",
  "date": "2016-03-18T20:58:46.567341241Z",
  "msgID": "a54f4b29-9872-45be-83fc-70ebc6ae7159",
  "resourceID": "75f9c7334807421bb914c1cff8d4486c"
npm i beepboop


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Chris Skudlarczyk
  • released 4/28/2016
