
Toolkit for building web interfaces
tools webpack grunt karma


npm version build status Coverage Status

If you want to create a new web interface or web interface component, and you don't want to have to manually install all the dependencies to get the project going (grunt, karma, webpack, etc.), this is for you.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

These steps work best on an empty repository (a new project) but are safe to do in an existing project, you just may not get the best of everything because we won't overwrite or extend files that already exist.


Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed in your development environment. Use nvm it will make your life much easier.


Make sure lib-curl is installed. On Ubuntu, you can do the following:

sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev

End to End test dependencies

If you want to be able to run the e2e-test target that uses webdriverio and webdrivercss, you need to install the following dependencies as well: graphicsmagick and cairo


brew install Caskroom/cask/xquartz # <- if you don't have X11
brew install graphicsmagick cairo


sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick cairo

Install beaker

Run the following command in your project directory to install this package and all of its dependencies:

npm install beaker

You should now have all of the beaker dependencies added to your project in the directory node_modules.

Init a new project

Now that we have the npm dependencies installed lets setup our initial project environment. Run the following command at the root of your project.

./node_modules/.bin/beaker init --type webpack

The --type flag specifies what kind of project you are creating. Possible values are currently

  • node - an npm module intended for consumption in a nodejs environment
  • webpack - a webpack bundle project
  • app - a webpack app project

This will populate your project root with a few initial files/folders. For a listing of what will be created you can use:

./node_modules/.bin/beaker help init

If you are unfamiliar with Grunt you may want to head over to Grunt's getting started page and learn more about it.


We should now have our basic project setup. Try running the following command to see if everything works:


If the command works and you see a message along the lines of:

Running "webpack-dev-server:start" (webpack-dev-server) task


If you're a vim (with syntastic) user (and you should be :wink:), you may also want to configure your .vimrc to be able to properly reference the extra eslint-rules directory we have in the beaker directory. An example of what to add to your .vimrc can be found here


The following grunt tasks and make targets have been provided to allow for rapid development. By default no source-maps are generated, since it affects build-time quite a bit, especially for large projects. However, if you would like to generate source-maps, simply set the MAPS environment variable to on. You can do so per command by simply adding MAPS=on before the command.

MAPS=on grunt
MAPS=on make karma-watch

This can be useful if you're not sure where a test is failing, or where an exception is being raised.


The default grunt task will launch the webpack-dev-server in hot mode this allows you to point your browser at the following URLs:

grunt dev

The dev task will build your app and then watch files and re-build whenever you change something. This is not quite as fast as using the webpack-dev-server, since it has to write everything to disk and doesn't cache anything. However, it has the added beneifit of being able to be served by any static file web server.

grunt build

The build task will build your component demo (or your app for production). It will optimize your bundle by using UglifyJS to minify your code, and the dedupe plugin to remove duplicate modules.

grunt lint

Checks your code for lint.

make karma-test

A CI-friendly test that executes tests once and exits

make karma-watch

This is a simple make target that does a grunt karma:unit watch:karma. This will cause the karma server to start and a watcher to be placed on all the files in src/. So, when any file is changed, all your karma tests will be run. It's still a little slow because of the source-maps being generated.

Testing Framework

By default beaker uses Jasmine for tests. If you prefer to use mocha you can simply follow the below steps.

  1. Add the following to the top of your Makefile:

  2. Add the following devDependencies to your package.json:

    • karma-chai-jquery
    • karma-jquery
    • karma-mocha
    • karma-sinon-chai
    • mocha
  3. Update your spec/.eslintrc file to be:

        "globals": {
            "describe": false,
            "xdescribe": false,
            "beforeEach": false,
            "afterEach": false,
            "it": false,
            "xit": false,
            "expect": false,
            "console": false,
            "sinon": false
        "rules": {
            "max-nested-callbacks": 0,
            "no-unused-expressions": 0


If you are going to be adding functionality to beaker keep in mind the following regarding dependencies. The package.json for beaker has three different dependency sections, each with their own specific purpose.


These are dependencies that are required outside of beaker things like karma, grunt, eslint etc. All packages defined in peerDependencies get installed alongside beaker


NOTE Since, they're installed alongside the package in question peerDependencies are not installed when running npm install from within the project that contains them. If you need access to the package within the project as well, see devDependencies below.


These are dependencies that beaker requires to function, but are not needed outside of beaker. Some examples would be internal libraries needed for beaker to function, like http-sync, which is used to make synchronous http requests to GitHub. All packages defined in dependencies get installed within beaker


NOTE Since, they're installed within the package in question dependencies are installed both when someone else installs the package, and when npm install is called from within the project. Because they are both installed when someone else installs beaker you never want the same package in both dependencies and peerDependencies. Otherwise you can end up with something like:



If beaker needs something that it defines in it's peerDependencies like, for example, eslint (I mean, we want to lint the code in beaker too, right?) then, we need to include that dep in both peerDependencies and devDependencies.

All packages defined in devDependencies get installed within beaker but only when npm install is run from within the beaker project, not when another project installs beaker. So, it also doesn't make any sense to have the same package in both dependencies and devDependencies, since they're both installed with a local npm install.


beaker works with (or depends on) the following tools/packages.


beaker primarily helps you set up webpack projects.


beaker automatically configures the following webpack loaders:



  • json-loader so you can keep your .js files cleaner and keep data where it belongs.
  • raw-loader
  • yaml-loader in case you're lazy and don't wanna write full JSON.


Task Management



Additional References

We also include code from the following sources.


  • MIT
  • >=0.10.26 <0.11
  • Adam Meadows
  • released 8/31/2015
