
Website performance sniffer. Uses phantomjs and netsniff.js to perform multiple tests and display averaged results.

basset Build Status

Website performance sniffer. Uses phantomjs and netsniff.js to perform multiple tests and display averaged results.


npm install -g basset

Caution! Remember that you need to have phantomjs command in your PATH.

Command-line usage

basset -n 10
  onLoad: 4419.56 ± 1587.90 ms
  requests: 82 (html: 4, css: 4, js: 34, img: 39, other: 1)

For more info: basset -h

API documentation

Basset is designed to be a command-line tool which can be easily used as a node module, so don't be affraid to require('basset') in your project.

Basset class

It's extremely easy to use basset in your project:

  • Basset needs to be initialized with an url and options.
  • Method sniff starts the testing sequence.
  • Basset communicates with outer world using events (it derives from EventEmitter).

Basic example:

    var Basset = require('basset');
    var basset = new Basset('', { repeatNum: 10 });
    basset.on('done', function (results) {
        average = results.average()
        console.log('onLoad: ' + average.getValue('onLoad'));
new Basset(url, options)

Argument url is required, options are optional.

Default options:

  repeatNum: 1

Run all tests (sniffers).

begin event

Emitted before starting of a first test.

end event

Emitted after all tests stopped. Passes Statistic intance to handler function. See Statistic class for more information.

    var basset = new Basset('', { repeatNum: 10 });
    basset.on('end', function (results) {
        var avg = results.average();
testStart event

Emitted on test start. Passes HarResult instance to handler function. See HarResult class and Result class section for more information.

    var basset = new Basset('');
    basset.on('testStart', function (result) {
        console.log(result.getValue('onLoad')); // Prints onLoad time
result event

Emitted when test gives valid result. Passes HarResult instance to handler function. See HarResult class and Result class section for more informaction.

failure event

Emitted when test fails (browser error occured or something else gone wrong). Passes Error instance to handler function.

testStop event

Emitted after test stop (after failure or result event).

Result class

Result class represents a set of results. It has an array of valueNames and you can set values only from that array. It means that if valueNames = ['foo'] you can setValue('foo', 1) but not setValue('bar', 1). By default valueNames is empty, so you need to derive from Result to create something functional.


Returns a copy of internal valueNames array.


Returns value with name. If name isn't in valueNames array it throws an Error.

setValue(name, value)

Sets value. If name isn't in valueNames array it throws an Error.


Returns true if name appears in valuesNames array.


Sets values object. If one of the values property isn't in valueNames it throws an Error.

other methods

For more information about Result class see lib/

HarResult class

HarResult derives from Result. It overrides valueNames and defines set of methods to feed the object with a har json.


Accepts an object and gets essential information from it. If har isn't a valid har object it throws an Error.

other methods

For more information about HarResult class see lib/

Statistic class

Statistic class has many Result intances. It can compute average and standard deviation from them.


Add a result to internal results array.


Returns a Result instance which represents an average of results array items.


Returns a Result instance which represent a standard deviation of results array items.


0.0.1 - Initial release

npm i basset


  • Unknown
  • >=0.8.0
  • Paweł Maciejewski
  • released 1/6/2013

