
A simple and portable router for the client and server.
browser virtual dom portable isomorphic router


A simple and portable router for the client and server.

build status NPM version experimental

Sauce Test Status


var createRouter = require('base-router')

// Create a router that will resolve data
var router = createRouter({
  '/': function () {
    return [1,2,3]

// React to transition events
router.on('transition', function (route, data) {
  // Trigger re-render with virtual dom here

// Manually trigger transitioning to routes

Specifying Routes

This library uses the module routington to specify and match routes. Please see their docs for route matching.

Some common examples are:

  • /bears will match /bears
  • /bears/:type will match /bears/grizzly
  • /bears/:type? will match /bears or /bears/grizzly

Resolving Data

You can resolve data using return, callback or promise:

var router = createRouter({
  '/': function () {
    // Throw an error to indicate an error
    return [1,2,3]
  '/callback': function (params, done) {
    // Call done with an error as the the first param to indicate an error
    done(null, [1,2,3])
  '/promise': function () {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      // Reject the promise to indicate an error

A loading event is emitted indicating the route is transitioning but has not yet finished resolving. Only when the route has resolved will transition be called.

Example with virtual-dom

var createRouter = require('base-router')
var h = require('virtual-dom/h')
var xhr = require('xhr')

var router = createRouter({
  '/': function () {
    // Define simple elements for this route
    return h('div', 'Home Page')
  '/posts/:post': function (params, done) {
    // If remote data is needed grab that
    xhr('/api/posts/' +, function (err, res, body) {
      if (err) return done(err)
      // Then return a vnode with the retrieved data
      done(null, h('.post', body))

router.on('transition', function (route, childNode) {
  // Render each page based on the route selected
  var links = [
    h('a', { href: '/' }, 'Home'),
    h('a', { href: '/posts/one' }, 'First Post')
  var content = h('.content', [links, childNode])
  // Now we can render our page with virtual dom diffing


var router = new BaseRouter([routes, options])

Creates a new instance of base-router.

  • routes - An object literal of routes to create.
  • options - An object literal to configure:
    • location - Whether to manage the window.location. If window.history.pushState is available it will use that otherwise it will use window.location.hash. Set to false to disable, hash to force using hashes, and history to force using push state.

router.route(name, model)

Adds a new route. name is the pathname to our route and model is a function that resolves the data for the route.

router.route('/user/:id', function (params, done) {

router.transitionTo(name[, params, callback])

Transitions to the given route name.

Optionally you can supply params to override the params given to a route.

Optionally you can supply a callback which will be called instead of using the transition and error events.


The last resolved route we are currently on.


.on('transition', function (name, data) {})

When a transition has resolved. Gives the name of the route and the data that has been resolved by the model.

.on('loading', function (name, abort) {})

Indicates the desire to transition into a route with name but model has not yet resolved.

Call abort() to abort the transition.

.on('error', function (name, err) {})

When a transition has errored. Gives the name of the route and the err that has been either thrown, first argument of callback or rejected by the promise.


(c) 2015 Kyle Robinson Young. MIT License


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Kyle Robinson Young
  • released 6/24/2015
