
Add a dynamic banner/license comment to any text file.
banner comment license build prepend minify

Bannerize Build Status

Add dynamic banner/license comments to files in a build process.

$ npm install -g bannerize

Banner Templates

Banner templates use the EJS templating language. Templates are passed the following properties:

  • pkg: A representation of the nearest package.json file.
  • date: A JavaScript Date object.

A simple banner might look something like:

/*! <%= %> | <%= pkg.version %>
 *  (c) <%= date.getFullYear() %> <%= pkg.license %>

And render to:

/*! bannerize | 1.0.0
 *  (c) 2015 MIT


bannerize ships with a CLI command. Its options vary from the programmatic API. To see all its options, use:

$ bannerize --help

An example usage might look like:

$ bannerize *.js *.css --banner=foo/bar.ejs


The bannerize module can be used in your programs. It exports a single function, bannerize, which takes two arguments:

bannerize(patterns, [options])

  • pattern {String|Array}: A string or array of glob pattern(s) to which to apply the banner.
  • [options] {Object}: An object containing optional values.

The return value of bannerize() is a Promise that resolves with an array of all the file paths it modified.


  • banner A banner file location. Defaults to banner.ejs in the cwd.

  • cwd Override the cwd for all paths passed to bannerize. Relative paths will be relative to process.cwd(). Defaults to process.cwd().

  • lineBreak (or lineBreaks) Sets the linebreak ('CRLF', 'LF'). Defaults to 'LF'.

API Example

Let's say you have a project with a structure like this:

├─┬ dist/
│ └── output.min.js
├─┬ scripts/
│ ├── add-banner.js
| └── banner.ejs
└── package.json

And let's say you want scripts/add-banner.js to add a banner to dist/output.min.js using scripts/banner.ejs as a template. You'll need to know the location of the output file and the banner template and the script might look like this:

const bannerize = require('bannerize');

// The paths here are relative to the current working directory. For the sake
// of example, let's say we don't know what it might be; so, we'll use
// __dirname (which is scripts/ in our outlined directory structure above).
// We pass in the path to our output file(s), relative to __dirname:
bannerize('../dist/output.min.js', {

  // This is the path to our banner template file, relative to __dirname.
  banner: 'banner.ejs',

  // Finally, we specify the cwd as the directory where this file is 
  // (i.e. scripts/)
  cwd: __dirname

// bannerize returns a Promise which resolves with a list of files. We log
// the list here for debugging.
then((files) => {
  console.log('Added banner(s) to ' + files.join(', '));
}, () => {
  console.error('Failed adding banner(s)!');


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Pat O'Neill
  • released 11/19/2015

