
A CLI tool to execute a command concurrently for a given number of subjects.
command batch cli tty tool multiple processes


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bad is a command line tool that allows you to execute a command multiple times concurrently for a given number of subjects.

It is general enough for just about anything that requires parallel execution, and it's bad enough to accomplish it with ease!

##Why the name? I couldn't think of anything better so I entered "batch command" at:

bad stood out :)


Usage: bad --exec curl --for "" --argv "-s"


  -h, --help           output usage information
  -V, --version        output the version number
  --debug              print information for debugging
  -s, --silent         show as little as possible.
  --exec <command>     the command to run.  This is passed directly to spawn.
  --for <subjects>     a comma separated list of subject sets.
                       Each subject set is a whitespace separated list of subjects.
                       Subjects are appended to argv except when --to-env is given.
  --argv [args]        a whitespace separated list of arguments to pass to the command.
  --to-env <varnames>  a comma separated list of varname sets.
                       Each varname set is a whitespace separated list of varnames.
                       Varnames are mapped to the corresponding subject.
  --show-time          display time stats.

##Example This would silently curl the given urls concurrently:

bad --exec curl --argv '-s' --for ""

##Advanced mapping You can map subjects to an environment variable using the --to-env flag.

Consider this example:

bad --exec echo --for '1 2, 3 4 5, 6' --to-env 'FOO DOO, XOO, ZOO'


#FOO set to 1
#DOO set to 2
#XOO set to 3
#XOO set to 4
#XOO set to 5
#ZOO set to 6
npm i bad


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Joseph Spencer
  • released 9/14/2016

