
JSX with Bacon, yummy?
bacon dom html react reactive

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This library allows you to embed Bacon observables into React Virtual DOM.


The prelifted classes can be accessed from the default import:

import B from "bacon.react.html"

The names of the prelifted classes are the same as in React.DOM.

Lifted classes

A lifted class eliminates Bacon observables that appear as attributes or direct children of the produced element. For example, using the lifted class B.div, you could write

<B.div>Hello, {observable}!</B.div>

where observable refers to a Bacon observable. The resulting div always shows the latest value produced by the observable.

Mount attribute

The mount attribute on a lifted element

<B.input mount={c => c && c.focus()}/>

does the same thing as the ordinary JSX ref attribute: JSX/React treats it as a special case, so it had to be renamed.

Bind attribute template

The bind attribute template

import {bind} from "bacon.react.html"

can be used to bind an attribute, e.g. value or checked, to an object with a set method such as a Bacon.Atom:

const settable = Atom("")
<B.input type="text"
         mount={c => c && c.focus()}
         {...bind({value: settable})}/>

bind extends the given object, above {value: settable}, with an onChange attribute containing a function that copies the attribute, above value, from the event target to the attribute object, above settable.

Classes attribute template

The classes attribute template

import {classes} from "bacon.react.html"

offers a way to specify className with conditional content depending on observables. For example:

<B.div {...classes("unconditional",
                   condition && "conditional",
                   condition ? "true" : "false",
          => c && "conditional-and-observable"))}>
    Not too classy?</B.div>

classes(...) extends to an object of the form {className: string | observable}.


A single lifted class, like B.input, eliminates Bacon observables only when they are immediately contained attributes or children of the element. So, you can safely nest lifted elements:

const checked = Atom(false)
  <B.label htmlFor="likes-bacon">Bacon is tasty:</B.label>
  <B.input type="checkbox"
  <B.div hidden={checked}><B.em>Are you sure?</B.em></B.div>

Note, however, that only those elements that immediately contain observables must be lifted, because React will choke on plain Bacon. So, the above could also have been written as:

const checked = Atom(false)
  <label htmlFor="likes-bacon">Bacon is tasty:</label>
  <B.input type="checkbox"
  <B.div hidden={checked}><em>Are you sure?</em></B.div>

For best performance this latter version is preferable.

Lifting and Patching

If you need a lifted version of a HTML class that is not already lifted, you can use fromClass:

import B, {fromClass} from "bacon.react.html"
B.special = fromClass("special")

There is also fromClasses that lifts an object of classes to an object of lifted classes. For example, given

import {fromClasses} from "bacon.react.html"
const L = fromClasses({Some, Custom, Classes})

then L.Some, L.Custom and L.Classes are lifted versions of Some, Custom and Classes.

From Bacon

fromClass and the prelifted classes handle the cases where the class of the element is statically known or the element is a child of some element. In case the class of a top-most element depends on a Bacon observable, one can use fromBacon:

import {fromBacon} from "bacon.react.html"
const choice = Atom(false)
fromBacon( => c ? <True/> : <False/>))

Combining properties

For notational convenience, the default import

import B from "bacon.react.html"

is also a generalized hybrid of Bacon.combineTemplate and Bacon.combineWith with .skipDuplicates(R.equals).

The meaning of B can be described as

B(fn)(x1, ..., xN) === B(fn, x1, ..., xN)
B(fn, x1, ..., xN) === combine(lift(fn), lift(x1), ..., lift(xN))
B(x1, ..., xN, fn) === combine(lift(x1), ..., lift(xN), lift(fn))


const lift = x =>
  x && (x.constructor === Object || x.constructor === Array)
  ? Bacon.combineTemplate(x)
  : x


const combine = ( =>

In other words, B(fn) effectively lifts the given function fn to operate on templates of observables. B(fn, x1, ..., xN) and B(x1, ..., xN, fn), where N >= 1, is a generalization of Bacon.combineWith where arguments are templates of observables. Finally, duplicates are removed from the resulting property based on deep structural equality.

That's all folks!

Longer examples

npm i bacon.react.html


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 5/20/2016

