
A backbone.js table view with built in lifecycle management for child elements
backbone child childview children collection table tables tableview


TableView is a Backbone.js view that provides full lifecycle support for tables, including headers, filtering and sorting. It remains simple, fluent, and idiomatic by relying on KinView for the underlying view management.


TableView has been designed to require'd by browserify, and is currently only supported in that environment. To install:

npm install backbone-tableview --save



TableView continuous integrations is handled by Wercker:

wercker status


TableView maintains 100% test coverage. To manually run the tests, install with with --dev (as above) and run:

gulp testc

You can generate a HTML code coverage report by appending the --html switch


Issues can be opened in the usual location, pull requests welcome!



TableViews sorting options (see below) use Font Awesome's fa-caret-up and fa-caret-down class to indicate sort status. Additionally, roughly the following css is used:

table thead tr th {
  color: gray;
  text-align: center;
  vertical-align: middle;
  padding-left: 12px;
table thead tr th i {
  visibility: hidden;
  display: inline !important;
  /* force icon not to wrap */
  margin-left: 4px;
table thead tr th.sortable {
  cursor: pointer;
table thead tr th.sortable:hover {
  cursor: pointer;
  color: orange;
table thead tr {
  color: orange;

Getting started

Getting started with TableView is as simple as creating a new Backbone view:

var TableView = require('backbone-tableview')

var table = TableView.extend({
    // regular Backbone.View opts here
    // remember to call this.render() in the initialize method!

Note that this in TableView contains an extremely limited amount of table manipulation tools. To access most methods, call their containers. I.e. this.body.someMethod()

Adding Columns (table headers)

Adding table headers is straightforward:

this.addColumn({text: 'foo'})

Adding Rows

Adding rows to the table requires passing a valid Backbone.Model to the table:

var m = new Backbone.Model({foo: 'bar'})

Passing a collection to the table will allow the table to auto-append all items of the collection to the table and manage their lifecycle including adding items as they get added to the collection, appending the items to the table, and cleaning up when the child view is removed. To pass a collection to the table:

var collection = new Backbone.Collection([/* models */])

TabelView includes a generic tr generator which simple takes all attributes in a model and appends them as a td. In some cases, it may be desirable to have a more elaborate tr build that can use a custom template or manipulate values before appending them.

To do that, create a custom view that extends TableView.tbodyTr. Here is an example of what such a view might look like:

var Backbone = require('backbone'),
    TableView = require('backbone-tableview'),
    _ = require('underscore')

module.exports = TableView.tbodyTr.extend({
    render: function() {
        var data = this.model.toJSON()
        data.amount = '$' + parseFloat(data.amount).toFixed(0)
        var tr = _.reduce(data, function(tr, attr){
            return tr += '<td>' + attr + '</td>'
        }, '')


Set the body to use the custom tr view by setting the tr attribute of the body. i.e.:

this.body.childView = require('my-custom-tr')

Filtering & Sorting

Filtering and Sorting has been delegated to backbone-collectionview

TableView delegates to Backbone CollectionView for filtering the data displayed in the table. TableView can also sort the table based on the table header (thead > tr > th, herein 'column'). Sorting is done when a click event is received on the th element. To learn more about filtering, please see the CollectionView documentation. Currently, only the tbody view implements collectionview.

Sorting rows

Sorting will soon be removed from TableView It will be replaced by sorting via CollectionView

To specify that a column should be sortable, pass it a sorter when creating it:

    text: 'foo',
    click: this.body.getSorter('attribute', function(){/* do something */})

The builtin Sorter class includes two simple sorters, 'string' and 'int'. You can use either like:

    text: 'foo',
    click: this.body.getSorter('attribute', 'string')

There are three sort 'states': 1. up, 2. down, 3. reset. The first two are obvious; reset resets the collection to its original order but sorting based on the the models cid attribute. TableView should handle the states without any intervention.

Adding a custom sorter

Custom sorters can be passed as shown above. A sorter takes two models and returns a true if the first model sorts higher than the second.

A sorter should have the following signature:

function(a, b)

where a and b are the models that will be compared.

Sorting methods should use the getAttr(model, attribute) method to retrieve the value to compare:

var firstValue = getAttr(a, this.attr)
var secondValue = getAttr(b, this.attr)

The function should check the boolean this.isReverse to determine the sort order and should return true if a should be sorted higher than b, otherwise false. See the builtin sorter methods for an example.

npm i backbone-tableview


