
A Backbone.js View for creating sortable/filterable/pageable select elements, including child lifecycle management. Built on top of backbone-collectionview
backbone collection view backbone view backbone collection child children and 2 more...


SelectView is a Backbone.js view that provides full lifecycle support for a colleciton-backed select item, including autorendering of children elements. It also adds sorting, filtering, and pagination. It remains simple, fluent, and idiomatic by relying on KinView for the underlying view management.


SelectView has been designed to require'd by browserify, and is currently only supported in that environment. To install:

npm install backbone-collectionview --save



SelectView continuous integrations is handled by Wercker: wercker status


SelectView maintains 100% test coverage. To manually run the tests, install with with --dev (as above) and run:

gulp testc

You can generate a HTML code coverage report by appending the --html switch


Issues can be opened in the usual location, pull requests welcome!


Getting started

Getting started with SelectView is as simple as creating a new Backbone view:

var SelectView = require('backbone-selectview')

var table = SelectView.extend({
    // regular Backbone.View opts here

Passing a collection to the view will allow the view to auto-append all items of the collection to the table and manage their lifecycle including adding items as they get added to the collection, appending the items to the table, and cleaning up when the child view is removed. To pass a collection to the table:

var SelectView = require('backbone-collectionview')

var table = SelectView.extend({
    collection: new Backbone.Collection([/* models */])
    // regular Backbone.View opts here

note: view.setCollection(collection) can also be called to (re)set the views collection


SelectView has built in support for filtering the collection data appended to the view. Please see backbone-collection for the full api

npm i backbone-selectview


