
Provides one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-one relations between models for Backbone
Backbone relation nested model

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References vs. Embeddings

backbone-rel extends Backbone by two concepts that allow applications to model relationships between models: references and embeddings. These concepts are inspired by the MongoDB data modeling in terms of embedded and referenced documents (


A reference describes a relationship between two model classes (A and B) in terms of a unidirectional link or pointer from one instance of A to one or many instances of B. The reference is defined on the referencing object using the ID of the referenced object.

var User = Backbone.Model.extend({});

var LikeCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: Like

var Comment = Backbone.Model.extend({
    references: {
        author: User,           // to-one reference
        likes: LikeCollection	// to-many reference

References work especially well in conjunction with If you set up a reference to a model class tracked by backbone.uniquemodel, a referenced model instance will automatically be resolved to the right instance in the unique model cache.

var User = UniqueModel( Backbone.Model.extend({}), "User" );

var Comment = Backbone.Model.extend({
    references: {
        author: User
var user = new User({ id: 1, name: "John Doe" });
var comment = new Comment({ authorId: 1 });
assert(comment.get("user") === user);  // the referenced author has been resolved to the unique user instance


An embedded object lives in its parent.

  • The URL for the API endpoint of the embedded object is built based on the parent model's URL by appending the embedded object's "urlSuffix" property.

  • Alternatively, the embedded object can be managed entirely through its parent, meaning that it does not have a dedicated URL endpoint but its JSON representation is inlined in the parent JSON.

var MetaData = Backbone.Model.extend({});

var CommentCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: Comment

var Post = Backbone.Model.extend({
    embeddings: {
        meta: MetaData,				// to-one embedding
        comments: CommentCollection // to-many embedding

Embedding Models

Embedding Collections


This can be deactivated using the "autoFetchRelated"

  • Upon assigning a reference, the referenced model is automatically fetched from the server if it has never been synced before.


  • Side-loading referenced models' data is supported by nesting the JSON representation of the referenced object like this:




Paul Uithol