
Support nested data types like collections and models within your Backbone.js models
backbone backbone.js model models nested model collection collections nested collections nested and 6 more...

Backbone Nesty

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Support nested data types like collections and models within your Backbone.js models



  • Install: npm install --save backbone-nesty
  • Module: require('backbone-nesty')


  • Install: npm install --save backbone-nesty
  • Module: require('backbone-nesty')
  • CDN URL: //[email protected]


  • Install: ender add backbone-nesty
  • Module: require('backbone-nesty')


This package is published with the following editions:

  • backbone-nesty aliases backbone-nesty/index.js which uses Editions to automatically select the correct edition for the consumers environment
  • backbone-nesty/source/ is Source + CoffeeScript + Require
  • backbone-nesty/esnext/index.js is CoffeeScript Compiled + ESNext + Require
  • backbone-nesty/es2015/index.js is CoffeeScript Compiled + ES2015 + Require

Older environments may need Babel's Polyfill or something similar.



// Import
var Backbone = require('backbone');
var BackboneNestyModel = require('backbone-nesty').BackboneNestyModel;

// Eye Model
var EyeModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
    attributes: {
        color: null,
        open: false

// Eye Collection
var EyeCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: EyeModel

// Mouth Model
var MouthModel = Backbone.Model.extend({
    attributes: {
        open: false

// Head Model
var HeadModel = BackboneNestyModel.extend({
    // Define our nested collections
    collections: {
        eyes: EyeCollection

    // Define our nested models
    models: {
        mouth: MouthModel

// Instantiate our head with our nested data
var myHead = new HeadModel({
    // will create a mouth model with this data
    mouth: {
        open: true
    // will create an eyes collection with this data
    eyes: [
        // will create an eye model with this data
            id: 'left',
            color: 'green',
            open: true
        // will create an eye model with this data
            id: 'right',
            color: 'green',
            open: true

// Check
console.log(myHead.get('')); // true
// ^ equiv to myHeader.get('eyes').get('left').get('open')

// Nested Setter
myHead.set('', false);
// ^ equiv to myHeader.get('eyes').get('right').set('open', false)

// Check
console.log(myHead.get('')); // false

BackboneNestyModel API

require('backbone-nesty').BackboneNestyModel is an extended Backbone.js Model that adds the following functionality:

  • properties
    • collections defaults to {}, an object which keys are the attributes and values are the collection data type for the attribute
    • models defaults to {}, an object which keys are the attributes and values are the model data type for the attribute
    • embed defaults to {}, an object which keys are the attributes and values are boolean on whether or not we should embed the full data of this attribute when calling toJSON on the model or just an id listing
    • strict defaults to true, a boolean for whether or not we should allow unknown attributes to be set on our model
  • methods
    • toJSON() will serialize the model and all nested data types as well, if the embed property for an nested data type is false, that value will be replaced with an id listing instead
    • get(key) adds support for nested gets
    • set(attrs,opts) adds support for nested sets and will instantiate the value according to the nested data type if applicable


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Unless stated otherwise all works are:

and licensed under:

npm i backbone-nesty


  • MIT
  • >=0.8
  • Bevry Pty Ltd
  • released 1/26/2018
