
Babylon.js Procedural Textures Library =====================
3D javascript html5 webgl babylon.js

Babylon.js Procedural Textures Library

For usage documentation please visit and choose "procedural textures library".

Installation instructions


⚠️ WARNING: The CDN should not be used in production environments. The purpose of our CDN is to serve Babylon packages to users learning how to use the platform or running small experiments. Once you've built an application and are ready to share it with the world at large, you should serve all packages from your own CDN.

Compiled js files (minified and source) are offered on our public CDN here:


To install using npm :

npm install --save babylonjs babylonjs-procedural-textures

If using TypeScript, the typing needs to be added to tsconfig.json:

    "types": [

Afterwards it can be imported to the project using:

import * as BABYLON from 'babylonjs';
import 'babylonjs-procedural-textures';

This will extend Babylon's namespace with the procedural textures available:

// Some awesome code
var fireMaterial = new BABYLON.StandardMaterial("fontainSculptur2", scene);
var fireTexture = new BABYLON.FireProceduralTexture("fire", 256, scene);
fireMaterial.diffuseTexture = fireTexture;
fireMaterial.opacityTexture = fireTexture;
// Some more awesome code

Using webpack to package your project will use the minified js file.

npm i babylonjs-procedural-textures


