
A babel plugin to add extension on project modules imports
babel plugin import export transform extension

babel-plugin-add-import-extension Lint and test

Back to Github :) This project started on Github and I moved that to SourceHut, but I found that this project had so much more interactions and was so much more reachable for other devs on Github that I decide to move that back. Sadly I deleted the old repo and we lost some issues.

A plugin to add extensions to import and export declarations, is very useful when you use Typescript with Babel and don't want to explicity import or export module with extensions.

How to install:

# using npm
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-add-import-extension
# usin yarn
yarn add -D babel-plugin-add-import-extension

Add to your plugins on your babel config file:

plugins: ["babel-plugin-add-import-extension"]; // defaults to .js extension

Is possible to set the extension when you set the plugin:

plugins: [
  ["babel-plugin-add-import-extension", { extension: "jsx" }], // will add jsx extension

You can also replace existing extensions with the one you want

plugins: [
  ["babel-plugin-add-import-extension", { extension: "jsx", replace: true }], // will replace the "observedScriptExtensions" [see below] to jsx

To be able to handle file with a . in the filename (e.g the plugin is configured to only handle a certain set of file extensions. If needed you can adjust the default of ['js','ts','jsx','tsx'] by changing the observedScriptExtensions option

plugins: [
  ["babel-plugin-add-import-extension", { extension: "jsx", replace: true, observedScriptExtensions: ['js','ts','jsx','tsx', 'mjs', 'cjs'] }], // will add jsx extension

Let's the transformation begin :)

A module import without extension:

import { add, double } from "./lib/numbers";

will be converted to:

import { add, double } from "./lib/numbers.js";

A module export without extension:

export { add, double } from "./lib/numbers";

will be converted to:

export { add, double } from "./lib/numbers.js";

If you add the replace:true option, extensions will be overwritten like so

import { add, double } from "./lib/numbers.ts";

will be converted to:

import { add, double } from "./lib/numbers.js";


export { add, double } from "./lib/numbers.ts";

will be converted to:

export { add, double } from "./lib/numbers.js";

What this plugin does is to check all imported modules and if your module is not on node_module it will consider that is a project/local module and add the choosed extension, so for node modules it don't add any extension.

npm i babel-plugin-add-import-extension


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Karl Prieb
  • released 7/10/2021

