
An easy HTML syntax sugar
HTML b-html


An easy HTML syntax sugar.


Try b-html (real-time preview demo)

Simple Example

index.bhtml (b-html) :

<!doctype html
      @charset UTF-8
      b-html example
    <!--comment example
      Hello, b-html!
        @href https://github.com/bouzuya

index.html (compiled b-html && formatted for demo) :

<!DOCTYPE html>
      b-html example
    <!--comment eample-->
      Hello, b-html!

Try b-html (real-time preview demo)


$ npm install b-html

See also: #api

with CLI

$ npm install -g b-html-cli

See also: b-html/b-html-cli

with gulp

$ npm install gulp-b-html

See also: b-html/gulp-b-html

with browserify

$ npm install b-htmlify

See also: b-html/b-htmlify

Syntax Reference

indent (spaces) + prefix + content

Prefix Type Parent Child Examples
< 'element' MAY MAY <p -> <p></p>
</ 'empty element' MAY MUST NOT </img -> <img />
<!-- 'comment' MAY MUST NOT <--xyz -> <!--xyz-->
<!doctype html 'doctype' MAY MUST NOT <!doctype html -> <!DOCTYPE html>
See: #doctypes
@ 'attribute' MUST MUST NOT @class foo -> class="foo"
> 'text' MAY MUST NOT >text -> text
><text -> <text
>@text -> @text
>>text -> >text
>|text -> |text
| 'new line text' MAY MUST NOT |text -> <NL>text
|<text -> <NL><text
|@text -> <NL>@text
|>text -> <NL>>text
||text -> <NL>|text
(others) 'text' (default) MAY MUST NOT text -> text

Try b-html (real-time preview demo)


  • <!doctype html -> (HTML 5)
  • <!doctype html 5 -> (HTML 5)
  • <!doctype html 4.01 strict -> (HTML 4.01 Strict)
  • <!doctype html 4.01 transitional -> (HTML 4.01 Transitional)
  • <!doctype html 4.01 frameset -> (HTML 4.01 Frameset)
  • <!doctype html strict -> (HTML 4.01 Strict)
  • <!doctype html transitional -> (HTML 4.01 Transitional)
  • <!doctype html frameset -> (HTML 4.01 Frameset)
  • <!doctype xhtml 1.0 strict -> (XHTML 1.0 Strict)
  • <!doctype xhtml 1.0 transitional -> (XHTML 1.0 Transitional)
  • <!doctype xhtml 1.0 frameset -> (XHTML 1.0 Frameset)
  • <!doctype xhtml strict -> (HTML 1.0 Strict)
  • <!doctype xhtml transitional -> (HTML 1.0 Transitional)
  • <!doctype xhtml frameset -> (HTML 1.0 Frameset)
  • <!doctype xhtml 1.1 -> (XHTML 1.1)
  • <!doctype xhtml basic -> (XHTML Basic 1.1)
  • <!doctype xhtml basic 1.0 -> (XHTML Basic 1.0)
  • <!doctype xhtml basic 1.1 -> (XHTML Basic 1.1)
  • <!doctype xhtml mobile -> (XHTML Mobile 1.2)
  • <!doctype xhtml mobile 1.0 -> (XHTML Mobile 1.0)
  • <!doctype xhtml mobile 1.1 -> (XHTML Mobile 1.1)
  • <!doctype xhtml mobile 1.2 -> (XHTML Mobile 1.2)
  • <!doctype html PUBLIC ... ->



  • bHtml(source: string): string
  • bHtml(source: string, options: { format: any }): any


  • source ... b-html source string.
  • options.format ... formatter function. see also: #formatter signature

See the following examples.

no options

import assert from 'assert';
import bHtml from 'b-html';

assert(bHtml('<p') === '<p></p>');

with format option

import assert from 'assert';
import bHtml from 'b-html';

let source = '<p';
let options = {
  format(nodes, options) {
    assert(nodes[0].type === 'element');
    assert(nodes[0].name === 'p');
    assert.deepEqual(nodes[0].attributes, []);
    assert.deepEqual(nodes[0].children, []);
    assert.deepEqual(options, { format });
    let n = nodes[0];
    return `<${n.name}>My formatter!</${n.name}>`;
assert(bHtml(source, options) === '<p>My formatter!</p>');

formatter signature

format(nodes: Array<Node>, options: {}): any

  • Node
    • type: string
  • Element extends Node
    • (type === 'element')
    • name: string
    • attributes: Array
    • children: Array
  • EmptyElement extends Node
    • (type === 'empty element')
    • name: string
    • attributes: Array
    • children: Array
  • Comment extends Node
    • (type === 'comment')
    • value: string
  • Doctype extends Node
    • (type === 'doctype')
    • value: string
  • Attribute extends Node
    • (type === 'attribute')
    • name: string
    • value: string
  • Text: string
    • (type === 'text')
    • value: string
  • NewLineText
    • (type === 'new line text')
    • value: string

Related Projects


Circle CI Join the chat at https://gitter.im/b-html/b-html




bouzuya <[email protected]> (http://bouzuya.net)

npm i b-html


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • bouzuya
  • released 9/1/2015

