
A node client library for Azure Functions
Azure Functions Lambda Azure Kudu Azure Webapps Websites

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Azure Functions Node.js Client Library

List, deploy and delete Azure Functions via Node.js.

NOTE: this is not an official Microsoft library. If you're looking for the Azure Functions CLI, see azure-functions-cli.

Getting Setup

Install the module by doing:

npm install azure-functions

Creating an Azure Service Principal

You'll need to create an Azure Service Principal to authenticate into your Azure account. Checkout this guide on how you can set this up.

With the Azure CLI you just need to do:

npm install azure-cli -g
# set mode to azure resource manager
azure config mode arm
# authenticate
azure login
azure ad app create --name "functions" --home-page "" --identifier-uris "" --password <INVENT_A_CLIENT_SECRET>
# output
data:    AppId:          4fd39843-c338-417d-b549-a545f584a745
data:    ObjectId:       4f8ee977-216a-45c1-9fa3-d023089b2962
data:    DisplayName:    exampleapp
info:    ad app create command OK
# create the service principal. This guid is your CLIENT_ID
azure ad sp create 4fd39843-c338-417d-b549-a545f584a745
# output
info:    Executing command ad sp create
- Creating service principal for application 4fd39843-c338-417d-b549-a545f584a74+
data:    Object Id:        7dbc8265-51ed-4038-8e13-31948c7f4ce7
data:    Display Name:     exampleapp
data:    Service Principal Names:
data:                      4fd39843-c338-417d-b549-a545f584a745
info:    ad sp create command OK
# assign a role to this service principal. You need to provide enough access
# to read/write to the Functions App resource
azure role assignment create --objectId 7dbc8265-51ed-4038-8e13-31948c7f4ce7 -o Owner -c /subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/

Working with Functions

Each api in this SDK returns a Promise.

Get a Function

Getting a function will return a function object.

var AzureFunctions = require('azure-functions');
var azFunctions = new AzureFunctions('RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME',
        subscriptionId: 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID',
        clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
        clientSecret: 'CLIENT_SECRET',
        domain: 'AD_DOMAIN'

return azFunctions.getFunction('unittesthttp')
    .then(func => {
        return azFunctions.getFunction('unittesthttp2');
    .then(func => {

/** func object:
   "location":"West US",

List All Functions

Listing functions returns an array of function objects as shown above.

var AzureFunctions = require('azure-functions');
var azFunctions = new AzureFunctions('RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME',
        subscriptionId: 'SUBSCRIPTION_ID',
        clientId: 'CLIENT_ID',
        clientSecret: 'CLIENT_SECRET',
        domain: 'AD_DOMAIN'

return azFunctions.listFunctions('unittesthttp')
    .then(functionListing => {

/** functionListing Object:
   "location":"West US",
   "location":"West US",

Create a Function

Given a function name and bindings array you can create functions. See the [bindings section](## Function Bindings) for a list of available bindings.

You can deploy sizeable function, up to several megabytes big. This is useful if you are compiling your functions into a single file.

var AzureFunctions = require('azure-functions');
var azFunctions = new AzureFunctions(nconf.get('RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME'),
    nconf.get('FUNCTION_APP_NAME'), {
        subscriptionId: nconf.get('SUBSCRIPTION_ID'),
        clientId: nconf.get('CLIENT_ID'),
        clientSecret: nconf.get('CLIENT_SECRET'),
        domain: nconf.get('AD_DOMAIN')

return azFunctions.deployFunction('functionname', 'var x = \'foo\'; console.log(\'whatever\');', [{
        type: 'http',
        direction: 'in',
        name: 'req'
    .then(func => {

/** func Object
   "location":"West US",

Delete a Function

Deleting a function is very straight-forward.

var AzureFunctions = require('azure-functions');
var azFunctions = new AzureFunctions(nconf.get('RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME'),
    nconf.get('FUNCTION_APP_NAME'), {
        subscriptionId: nconf.get('SUBSCRIPTION_ID'),
        clientId: nconf.get('CLIENT_ID'),
        clientSecret: nconf.get('CLIENT_SECRET'),
        domain: nconf.get('AD_DOMAIN')

return azFunctions.deleteFunction('functionname')
    .then(() => {
        console.log('deleted functionname');

Function Triggers

With Azure Functions you can bind a variety of events from Azure services to Azure functions.

You need to provide this as the bindings array to the createFunction method.

Blob Trigger

[{   path: 'path-within-storage-account',
    connection: 'storage-account-connection-string',
    name: 'blob-argument-name-for-function',
    type: 'blobTrigger',
    direction: 'in' 

Eventhub Trigger

[{   path: 'eventhub-name',
    connection: 'service-bus-connection-string',
    type: 'eventHubTrigger',
    name: 'event-parameter-name-for-function',
    direction: 'in' 

Webhook Trigger

Webhooks must have their input as an httpTrigger and output as http.

{   webHookType: 'genericJson',
    type: 'httpTrigger',
    direction: 'in',
    name: 'req' 
{ type: 'http', direction: 'out', name: 'res' }

Github Webhook Trigger

[{   webHookType: 'github',
    type: 'httpTrigger',
    direction: 'in',
    name: 'req' },
{ type: 'http', direction: 'out', name: 'res' }]

Storage Account Queue Trigger

[{  queueName: 'queue-name',
    connection: 'storage-account-name',
    name: 'message-parameter-name-for-function',
    type: 'queueTrigger',
    direction: 'in' }]

Service Bus Queue Trigger

[{  queueName: 'samples-input',
    connection: 'service-bus-connection-string',
    name: 'message-parameter-name-for-function',
    type: 'serviceBusTrigger',
    direction: 'in' }]

Timer Trigger

[{ schedule: '0 * * * * *',
    name: 'timer-parameter-name-for-function',
    type: 'timerTrigger',
    direction: 'in' }]


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • sedouard
  • released 4/25/2016

