
Library which holds the basic tools for the development of azk projects


This project simplifies and standardizes the main development tasks of node.js projects that are part of the azk project. Among them are:

  • Gulp tasks collection that are common to azk projects;
  • Dotfiles for editor and lint tools configuration that maintain code standards: .editorconfig, .jshintrc and .jscsrc;
  • Helper for creating a spec-helper.js with mocha, chai, chai-subsetand chai-promise;
  • Helper to use generator and promises to simplify tests;
  • npm-deploy script that assists in releasing npm packages;

Among the gulp tasks we have:

  • lint and watch:lint: for code standards testing, via jshint and jscs;
  • babel[|:spec|:src] and babel[|:spec|:src]: transpile es6 code to es5 via babel;
  • editor:config: copy the dotfiles to the current project folder, allowing their use in the editor and not only in the lint process;
  • babel:runtime:[install|version]: to assist in the babel runtime installation process;


Before adding azk-dev to your project, be sure to remove babel, babel-core and babel-babel-runtime if they're declared as dependencies. Now install azk-dev:

$ npm install gulp azk-dev --save-dev

Gulp Tasks (commons azk project tasks)

How to import commons azk-dev gulp tasks and extends:

// gulpfile.js
var azk_gulp = require('azk-dev/lib/gulp')({
  cwd  : __dirname,
  sourcemaps_path: "/mytest", // Custom path to prefix transpiled files
  lint: [ "bin/**/*.js" ], // Extra files for the lint analyzer

var gulp = azk_gulp.gulp;

gulp.task("show:args", "Help text", ["before:show"], function() {
  return null;
}, { aliases: ["sa", "s"] });

Check the tasks added to the running gulp (yes we have a gulp help \o/):

$ gulp help
Available configs:
  • src: default: { src: "src" , dest: "./lib/src" };
  • spec: default: { src: "spec" , dest: "./lib/spec" };
  • lint: default: [];
  • clean: default: true;
  • default: default: [ "lint", "test" ];
  • babel: default:
      presets: ['es2015'],
      plugins: ['add-module-exports'],
  • sourcemaps_path default: path.basename(process.cwd);


If you use "generators" in your code, you'll need to install babel-polyfill:

$ gulp babel:polyfill:install


// spec/spec-help.js
var Helpers = {
  expect : require('azk-dev/lib/chai').expect,

export default Helpers;

Test with generators support

var BPromise = require('bluebird');
var enable_generators = require('azk-dev/lib/generators');
enable_generators((fn) => BPromise.coroutine(fn)());

Editor Configs

Copy dotfiles .jscsrc, .jshintrc and .editorconfig from shared folder to current project. Use --force to overwrite.

$  gulp editor:config

Deploy npm package

Adding this in package.json:

"deploy" : "./node_modules/.bin/npm-deploy"

Now you can deploy package with:

$ npm run deploy [<newversion> | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease]

This should run the following steps:

  • Check if not tracked commits in git
  • Run tests with npm test
  • Upgrade version in package.json, commit and add tag
  • Publish package in



"Azuki", "Azk" and the Azuki logo are copyright (c) 2013-2015 Azuki Serviços de Internet LTDA.

Azk-dev source code is released under Apache 2 License.

Check LEGAL and LICENSE files for more information.

npm i azk-dev

