
A collection of small utilities to manage AWS services and actions

AWS Commons - Node.js Utilities

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A collection of small node/AWS utilities to help with common AWS operations as defined by aws-sdk. Utilities can be used in CLI scripts or as class objects in larger projects.


Install through npm using this:

npm install aws-commons --save

Or if you want to use the command line scripts, install from github like this:

git clone

make npm
sudo make install

The scripts require that your keys file be stored in your $HOME/.ssh folder.

AWS Commons Factory

A factory class to create connections to S3, SQS, etc. The factory is created with a base64 encoded set of keys modeled in JSON. The decoded data structure looks like this:

        "accessKeyId":"<your access key>",
        "secretAccessKey":"<your secret access key>",
      "region":"<the default region>"

This structure decoded and parsed by the factory to create connections to S3, SES, etc. The factory's key parser is public to enable overriding for alternate structures. The version number is used by the factory to automatically switch to alternate parsing as new technologies are provided.

Factory Instantiation

The AWSFactory is designed to work as a singleton by invoking it's static create method with the encoded set of access keys. A typical use would be:

// return an instance of the AWSFactory.  constructor must be supplied an encoded set of keys.
var opts = {

var factory = AWSCommonsFactory.createInstance( opts );

Or, rather than setting the string, you can specify the key file like this:

const opts = {

const factory = AWSCommonsFactory.createInstance( opts );

Factory methods are used to create instances of AWS services. Examples include:

// create an S3 connection
const s3 = factory.createS3Connection();

// create an SES email connection 
const ses = factory.createSESConnection();

// create a connection to SQS
const sqs = createSQSConnection();

S3 Utilities

S3 utilities include small classes to read and copy file(s) from a file system to a specified S3 bucket, read object(s) from a specified bucket and watch a bucket for object updates. Utilities are separated into stateful class objects with public callback methods to enable override at various steps. Objects are evented to fire progress, complete and error events.


The CopyToS3 utility reads a source file, calculates the md5 hash, then puts the object data to a specified bucket and key. If any process fails, then entire process is aborted. After the file has been copied, the md5 hash is compared to the response ETag to insure that the data signatures match.

A typical file copy example looks like this:

// create the copy options
const opts = {
    log:log, // and standard logger, e.g., winston, simple-node-logger, log4j, etc

// create the copier
const copier = new CopyToS3( opts );

// atatch some event listeners
copier.on('complete', (stats) => {'file copy completed: bytes transferred: ', stats.fileSize);

copier.on('progress', (msg) => {'copy progress: ', msg);

copier.on('error', (err) => {
    log.error('something went wrong: ', err.message);


The file's mime type is fetched from mime-db; see db.json for specifics. If the mime type is not in the database, the default type is text/plain...

Or if you don't want to use event listeners, you may invoke copy with a callback like this:

// create the copier
const copier = new CopyToS3( opts );
const callback = function(err, stats) {
    if (err) {
        log.error( err );
    } else { stats );

copier.copy( callback );

When To Use

The CopyToS3 utility should be used when you have a file that needs to be copied from the local file system to an S3 bucket. This is typically done in a separate thread or even a separate process.

This can also be used as a simple helper to copy a small file from local file to S3 with minimal fuss. Since CopyToS3 is statefull it can be used

When not to use

If your application has existing object data where a file doesn't need to be read, then use s3.putObject(). Or if your file is huge, you should use a multi-part / stream uploader.


S3ObjectList can list all or a filtered set of objects for a given S3 bucket. The list may include details such as last modified, size, etag/md5, and other metadata.

A typical example would look like this:

const opts = {
    log:log, // and standard logger, e.g., winston, simple-node-logger, log4j, etc

const lister = new S3ObjectList( opts );

// for this list, we just want the html files so use a filter
lister.filter = function(obj) {
    let item = lister.parseObject( obj );
    if (item.key.indexOf( '.html' ) > 0) {
        return item;

lister.on('complete', function(results) { results );

    // results.list = object list
    results.list.forEach(function(item) {'key: ', item.key);
    // if the list isn't complete then set the marker and list again
    if (results.isTruncated) {
        lister.setMarker( results.nextMarker );

lister.on('error', (err) => {
    log.error('list error: ', err.message);




S3BucketWatch is an object watcher for a specified S3 Bucket. Objects are periodically scanned and compared to a reference list for changes. When changes are detected, a change event is fired.

A typical example:

const opts = {
    log:log, // and standard logger, e.g., winston, simple-node-logger, log4j, etc
    sleepInterval:6000 // 6 second loop

let watcher = new S3BucketWatch( opts ),

watcher.on('listAvailable', function(size) { 'list size: ', size );

    if (!referenceList) {
        referenceList = watcher.getContentList();

watcher.on('change', (item, action) => {
    // action is added or modified or deleted item.key, ' was ', action );

    // item = key, etag, size, and modified date/time
    // do something with the changed item

watcher.on('error', (err) => {
    log.error('list error: ', err.message);


When a file change is detected, the change event is fired with the S3 item data. A typical entry looks like this:


The first entry shows the current file specs. The lastVersion is what the item was compared to. So, this file "" changed in size from 177 to 211 bytes; the modified date and etags also changed.

If the item is deleted, the action = "deleted" and the object looks like this:


SES Utilities

SESMailer is a thin wrapper around AWS/SES. It makes it easy to create an SES connection, a parameters object and to send emails through SES.

A typical example:

const opts = {

const mailer = new SESMailer( opts );

let model = mailer.createEMailParams();

model.setToAddress( '[email protected]' );
model.setCCAddress( [ [email protected], [email protected] ] );
model.setSubject( 'This is my subject line...' );
model.setBody( 'This is my body <p>with tags</p>' );
model.setFrom( '[email protected]' );

mailer.send( model.createParams() );
mailer.on('sent', function(err, response) {
    if (err) return err;
    console.log( response );

// or with a callback

mailer.send( params, function(err, response) {
    if (err) return err;
    console.log( response );

SNS Provider

SNSProvider is a thin wrapper around AWS/SNS. It makes it easy to send simple notifications to specific consumers.


  • MockS3
  • MockSES
  • MockSESMailer


The mock is easy to use. Just set data in the mock's cache then read it back with standard S3 commands. Here is a simple example:

let mock = new MockS3(),
    text = 'this is my data stored on S3...',
    params = {

            LastModified:new Date(),
            Body:new Buffer( text )

mock.getObject( params, function(err, data) {
    should.not.exist( err );
    should.exist( data );
    data.Body.toString('utf8').should.equal( text );


Tests are written in mocha/chai using the should dialect. Tests can be run from npm or the make file:

make test


make watch



This small example lists all buckets owned by the specified user. To run, your amazon keys must be set. There is a helper function "" to help create the required keys file. It is used by all the examples.


Put an object, get an object and see what happens. Test attempting to get an unknown object.

Command Scripts

There are a few command scripts that can be installed using 'make install' (probably as sudo) or install manually. Scripts are linked to /usr/local/bin/ so you need to clone the project to use the scripts.


Usage: s3lister [options]


    -h, --help                    output usage information
    -V, --version                 output the version number
    -b --bucket <bucket>          set the bucket to list (required)
    -p --prefix <prefix>          set the optional prefix
    -a --accessFile <accessFile>  set the access file
    -v --verbose                  verbose listing


Usage: s3copyfile [options]


    -h, --help                 output usage information
    -V, --version              output the version number
    -f --file <file>           set the source file
    -b --bucket <bucket>       set the destination bucket
    -p --private               set the file to private
    -k --key <key>             set the file key, e.g., destination name
    -a --accessFile <accessFile>  set the access file


Usage: s3pullfile [options]


    -h, --help                 output usage information
    -V, --version              output the version number
    -f --file [file]           set the destination file (if blank, then file body is in stats object)
    -b --bucket <bucket>       set the source bucket
    -k --key <key>             set the source file key
    -a --accessFile <accessFile>  set the access file

copyright © 2014-2018 rain city software | version 0.92.22


