
Generate awesome branch names


Generate git branch names based on cool-sounding Magic: The Gathering cards.


Install globally to generate delicious branch names with maximum efficiency.

$ npm install -g awesome-branch-name
$ awesome-branch-name


Print an awesome branch name.

$ awesome-branch-name

Or, run using npx.

$ npx awesome-branch-name

Immediately checkout a new, flavorful branch.

$ git checkout -b `awesome-branch-name`

Provide the optional keyword argument to include the designated word somewhere in the generated name.

$ awesome-branch-name MyNewFeature

Save it in your .bashrc or .zshrc and use it everyday.

branch() {
  git checkout -b "dev/`awesome-branch-name $1`"

Or if you prefer npx, make sure to specify -q to silence npx output.

branch() {
  git checkout -b "dev/`npx -q awesome-branch-name $1`"

How are these names generated?

Branch names are generated by taking cards from the MtG JSON Card Database, massaging them, and then assigning scores based on a simple algorithm designed to weed out cards that would make unpleasant branch names.

Why would you name your branches like this?

Corporate projects are often boring. Spice up your day! Why name your branch login-bugfix, when you can name it stormwatch-eagle?


Put up a pull request! Suggestions on improvements to the scoring method or additional name generation methods are highly encouraged.


Licensed under MIT. Full license here »

npm i awesome-branch-name


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Elliot Nelson
  • released 10/21/2020

