
A screenshot & markdown generator

A screenshot & markdown generator

npm version


  • npm install -g testcafe
  • npm install -g docsify-cli
  • npm install --save-dev auto-docs

In you package.json

  "scripts": {
    "manual": "testcafe \"chrome:headless --kiosk --incognito --force-device-scale-factor=1.5\" node_modules/auto-docs/ -s docs/pics",
    "files": "node node_modules/auto-docs/",
    "serve": "docsify serve docs"

To generate with screenshots npm run manual


To run without brower commands use npm run files

Once generated.

To run document server npm run serve

How you can open localhost:3000


brower commands

  • navigateTo: go to a given url - (url)
  • typeText: enter text into an input - (selecter,text)
  • click: click on an element - (selecter)

document commands

  • description: Add basic text to document - (text)
  • screenshot: Capture the screen and add to document - (screenshot_name,[diff]) diff defult to true check if the screen has chacked
  • link: Add a link to document (title,url)
  • img: Add a image to document (title,url)
  • lang: apply translation from ##.json lang`message`
    • Injects new text into language json file if new/missing
    • generating of language json file if missing
    • With value passion recording. Used in language like Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Japanese etc..
  • code: Add a block of code to document (source,[type]) type of optional
  • pageBreak: Add a link break to document () ~ No arguments
  • title: Add a heading to document (text) or (level,text) to set the depth of the sub heading
  • youtube: A thumbnail link to a video (video_id,[start from X sec]) start of optional
    • You will need a "playbutton.png" in your "pics" folder
    • You will also need the CSS to place the button
CSS: youtube button placement

Add this CSS

  position: relative;
    pointer-events: none;
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 3;
    top: calc( 50% - 50px);
    left: calc( 50% - 50px);
    width: 100px;
JS: embed youtube video

Add this index.html

window.$docsify = {

  plugins: [
   function (hook, vm) {
      hook.afterEach(function(html, next) {


                                                        .map(elem => $(elem))
                                                        .forEach( elemA =>{

              const link  = elemA.attr("href")
              const [id ,time]   = link.split("/").pop().split("?")

              const start = time ? time.match(/\d+/)[0] : 0

              const elemToReplace = elemA.parent().html().replace(new RegExp(" data-origin=", "g"),"data-origin=")

              const newElem = `<iframe width="100%" height="433" src="${id}?start=${start}" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>`
              html = html.replace(elemToReplace,newElem)

            } )



// ...


Config file

From with the manual folder you should place a config.json file


  "only":["1-Welcome","1-How to log in"],
    "user":["#username", "admin"],
    "pass":["#password", "admin"],
  • server: the path to your server
  • only: An array of file steps to the page you want to regenerate optional!
  • waitBeforeScreenShot: how long to wite for taking a ScreenShot optional! (Default: 0)
  • login: login credentials to use
npm i auto-docs


  • ISC
  • Whatever
  • Bria Shannon
  • released 1/30/2019

