
Contract ABI serialization


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augur-abi provides Ethereum contract ABI data serialization methods. ABI encoding is needed to invoke functions on Ethereum smart contracts.


$ npm install augur-abi


To use augur-abi in Node.js, just require it:

var augur_abi = require("augur-abi");

A minified, browserified file dist/augur-abi.min.js is included for use in the browser. Including this file simply attaches the augur_abi object to window:

<script src="dist/augur-abi.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

The encode method encodes the full ABI data (prefix + parameters) needed for a contract function call. For example, to encode a method named double that takes a single 256-bit integer parameter with a value of 3:

var encoded = augur_abi.encode({
    name: "double",
    signature: ["int256"],
    params: ["0x3"]
// encoded:

encoded is the concatenation of the method's prefix 0x6ffa1caa, which is derived from the name of the method "double" and its signature "[int256]", and the encoded parameter value, ["0x3"].


Unit tests are in the test directory, and can be run with mocha:

$ npm test
npm i augur-abi


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • The Augur Developers
  • released 8/22/2017
