
Atlassian Connect JavaScript bridge

Atlassian Connect JS

The javascript library which backs Atlassian Connect.

Based on Simple XDM

Bitbucket Pipelines build status

Hello API example

Modules allow you to expose new connect API's to add-on iframes.

connectHost.defineModule('example', {
    sayHello: function(name){ alert('hello ' + name); }

An add-on may now call:


which will create an alert with "hello fred"

Hello event example

Events are used when a callback needs to be called multiple times.

var eventName = 'hello';
// addonFilter can be a filter function or object to match against add-ons (a blank object denotes sending to all add-ons).
var addonFilter = {
    addon_key: 'my-addon',
    key: 'my-module-key'
var eventData = {
    name: 'fred'
connectHost.broadcastEvent(eventName, addonFilter, eventData);

An addon may listen with:

    hello: function(name){ alert('hello ' + name); }

which will create an alert with "hello fred"

Listening to keystrokes example

Keyboard events are only sent to the currently focused frame. To allow a more seamless experience for users we allow a convenient way to listen for events inside an iframe.

var extension_id = 'addon_key__module_key__ab1j4';
var escapeKeyKeycode = 27;
var keymodifiers = [];
function callback(data) {
    /** data = {
    * extension_id: addon_key__module_key__ab1j4
    * addon_key
    * key
    * keycode: 27
    * modifiers: []
    * }

    alert(data.keycode + ' key pressed inside add-on iframe');
// an iframe must load before you can bind to it.
    connectHost.onKeyEvent(extension.extension_id, escapeKeyKeycode, callback);

Advanced Modules

Some times you need a more complex API than simple RPC -> callback. You can define a Class module which will create a proxy class in the add-on.

class Foo {
    constructor(foo) { = foo;
    getFoo(cb) {
        if (typeof cb === 'function') {
host.defineModule('moduleWithClass', {
    foo: {
        constructor: Foo, // Class must be destructured in API spec
        getFoo: Foo.prototype.getFoo

The addon can then use the proxy to call methods on an instance of your host class:

var bar ='bar');
bar.getFoo(function (foo) {


  • connectHost.onIframeEstablished - a callback triggered when an iframe successfully contacts the parent page.
  • connectHost.onIframeUnload - a callback triggered when window.onunload is called inside the iframe.
  • connectHost.destroy - call this to clean up destroyed connect add-ons - helpful for SPA web apps that need to free memory.

JWT and the content resolver

There are instances when a connect add-on is created but the URL is unknown (or if you use JWT, that it's expired).

In these instances you can register a function to delegate to. Connect will call this function and wait before creating the iframe until it has responded - usually requiring your application to callback to your server. The example below uses jQuery promises, but any promise library should work (note: jQuery.ajax also returns a promise).

function contentResolver(extension) {
  var promise = jQuery.Deferred(function(defer){
    // do some work here, then resolve to what would be passed to connectHost.create
      url: 'the full iframe url from the server',
      addon_key: 'my-addon-key',
      key: 'my-module-key',
      options: {} // same options as connectHost.create({options:{}})
  return promise;



You can expose an analytics event reciever as follows:

define('ac/analytics', () => {
    return {
        emitGasV3: (eventType, eventData) => {
            console.log('this is an alaytics event', eventType, eventData);


  • Node LTS (refer to .nvmrc)
  • NPM


NPM install takes care of everything for you.

npm install


To build the distribution:

npm run build

Running tests

We use Karma for running our Jasmine tests.

To run tests in watch mode:

npm run karma

Running tests with saucelabs

Tests are automatically run in Sauce Labs from Bitbucket Pipelines. They run using all supported browsers. You can run these yourself as follows:

Set your Sauce Labs credentials using the SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables.

Then run the tests using:

SAUCE_LABS=true npm test

Alternatively you can enter Sauce Labs credentials at run time with:


Linting && Coding Style Checks

ACJS follows the Atlassian Front-End Code Quality guidelines.

npm run lint

Point IntelliJ / Sublime / your editor of choice at the .eslintrc for linting as you edit.

Code Coverage

We use Istanbul for code coverage statistics.

To run tests and generate coverage results:

COVERAGE=true npm run karma-ci

Then point your browser at:

file:///<path to atlassian-connect-js>/coverage/index.html


To see a wider range of gulp commands run:

gulp --tasks

Dev loop

To automatically re-create the dist directory on code change, run:

gulp watch

To have your changes automatically loaded onto a locally running JIRA or Confluence instance, first make sure that you include -Dconnect-js-v5=true in your command to start the product. Then you can deploy the contents of your dist directory:

gulp deploy

By default, this will deploy to the v5 resources directory inside your local atlassian-connect project, i.e. /<path/to/my/projects>/atlassian-connect/jsapi-v5/src/main/resources/v5. Changes will be automatically picked up by the running product.


Contributions are welcome! However, the versions and branches of this project are in a state of flux. Before starting work, please contact the Atlassian Connect team to ensure you understand the process you'll need to follow.

  1. Create an issue in the Atlassian Connect JavaScript API project.
  2. Create your feature branch off master.
    • Include your issue key and a short description.
  3. Push your changes.
  4. Create a pull request against this repository.
  5. If your changes will affect the functionality of the Connect plugin, create a feature branch in the product and make sure the build is green against your ACJS branch by updating the version consumed by the product.

Releasing a new version

This is now done via BitBucket Pipelines on the master branch.

The onecloud-build-bot account executes this step as via the OAuth method described by these Bitbucket instructions

If you're an Atlassian developer and you wish to release a new version of Atlassian Connect JS for Atlassian products to use, follow this HOWTO.


Atlassian Connect supports the following browsers:

  • Chrome latest stable
  • Firefox latest stable
  • Safari latest stable (on OS X only)

