
Hipster way of load async scripts in the browser
async script load append

asynz Build Status npm version Bower version Dependency Status npm license

Hipster way of load async script in the browser

Just a tiny module to load scripts in the browser. It also has support for script attributes and cache.


$ npm i asynz

$ bower i asynz

Example: loading a dynamic library

import asynz from "asynz";
const src = '';


async loadLibrary() {
  console.log(typeof window.jQuery === "undefined");
  let script = await asynz(src);
  $('body').html('jQuery is now available');

Passing attributes

const src = '';
const attrs = {
  id: 'jquery',
  async: true,
  defer: true,
  foo: 'bar',
  'data-api-key': 123

let script = await asynz(src, attrs);

console.log($('#jquery').attr('data-api-key') === 123);

Notice that when you pass script properties like async or defer, azync won't add them as an attribute, instead will set the value directly to the script, e.g. script.async === true

Error handling

One of the cool things of the async functions, is that you can handle errors like it was synchronous code.

const erroredSrc = 'http://foourl';

try {
  await asynz(erroredSrc);
  // Do stuff
} catch(e) {
  console.log('Error :(', e);

Promise style

You can also use Promise style if you prefer

import asynz from "asynz"
const src = '';

asynz(src).then(script => {


In order to use async functions today you will need to install/include some stuff in your build process

Needed packages

$ npm i babel-cli babel-polyfill babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-stage-0 --save-dev


  "presets": ["es2015", "stage-0"],
  "plugins": ["transform-async-to-generator"]

Include in your source

npm i asynz


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • zzarcon
  • released 3/20/2016

