
ES6 Map TypeScript Interface with Async Support
async map typescript interface


NPM Version NPM TypeScript

ECMAScript Map like type definition (plus Async).

Async ES6 Map Like TypeScript Interface

It has same API Interface with Map - JavaScript | MDN, with additional Async support.


import { MapLike } from 'async-map-like'

const mapLike: MapLike<string, number> = new Map<string, number>

That's it, enjoy the Duck Typing!

API Reference

 * ES6 Map like Async API
export interface AsyncMapLike<K = any, V = any> {

  size : Promise<number>

  get     (key: K)           : Promise<V | undefined>
  set     (key: K, value: V) : Promise<void>
  has     (key: K)           : Promise<boolean>
  delete  (key: K)           : Promise<void>
  clear   ()                 : Promise<void>

  entries () : AsyncIterableIterator<[K, V]>
  keys    () : AsyncIterableIterator<K>
  values  () : AsyncIterableIterator<V>

  [Symbol.asyncIterator]() : AsyncIterableIterator<[K, V]>

  forEach (
    callbackfn: (
      value : V,
      key   : K,
      map   : AsyncMapLike<K, V>,
    ) => void,
    thisArg?: AsyncMapLike<K, V>,
  ): Promise<void>



master v1.0 (Nov 27, 2021)

  1. Remove sync interface: [Symbol.toStringTag]() and [Symbol.iterator]()
  2. Add async interface: [Symbol.asyncIterator]()

v0.2 (July 25, 2020)

  1. Create MapLike interface for ES6 Map
  2. Create AsyncMapLike for ES6 Map like Async interface


Huan LI (李卓桓), Microsoft AI MVP, [email protected]

Profile of Huan LI (李卓桓) on StackOverflow

Copyright & License

  • Docs released under Creative Commons
  • Code released under the Apache-2.0 License
  • Code & Docs © 2018 Huan LI <[email protected]>
npm i async-map-like


