
Promise-based child process interface


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A simple Promise-based API for working with ChildProcesses.


npm install --save async-child-process

join(child: ChildProcess): Promise<Result>

Waits for child to exit.

Returns a Promise that:

  • will resolve {code: 0} if child exits with code 0
  • with reject with an error otherwise
    • error.code will be the exit code if the child exited normally
    • error.signal will be the signal the child was terminated with, if any
    • Note: if child emits an error, it may be the rejection reason and it may not have code or signal


import {exec} from 'child_process'
import {join} from 'async-child-process'

async function test() {
  await join(exec('echo hello world'))

kill(child: ChildProcess, signal?: string): Promise<void>

Sends a signal to child and waits for it to exit.

Returns a Promise that:

  • will resolve once child is killed
  • will reject with an error if child emits one


import {exec} from 'child_process'
import {kill} from 'async-child-process'

async function test() {
  const child = exec(`node -e 'setTimeout(() => console.log("finally!"), 1e11)'`)
  await kill(child)

childPrinted(child: ChildProcess, predicate: (output: string) => boolean | RegExp, stream?: 'stdout' | 'stderr'): Promise<string>

Waits for child to print something to its stdout and/or stderr. Returns a promise that:

  • will resolve with the message that matched predicate or
  • will reject if child exited or errored before printing a message that matched predicate


  • child: the ChildProcess to listen to
  • predicate: childPrinted will wait until child's stream(s) output a message matching the predicate
  • stream: which of child's streams to listen to, omit to listen to both stdout and stderr


import {exec} from 'child_process'
import {childPrinted} from 'async-child-process'

async function test() {
  const child = exec(`webpack --config`)
  await childPrinted(child, /webpack built in \d+ ms/)

execAsync(command: string, options?: Object): Promise<Result>

Like exec, but returns a Promise that:

  • will resolve with {stdout: string, stderr: string} from running command if it exited with code 0
  • will reject with an error otherwise
    • error.code will be the exit code if the child exited normally
    • error.signal will be the signal the child was terminated with, if any
    • Note: if child emits an error, it may be the rejection reason and it may not have code or signal


import {execAsync} from 'async-child-process'

async function test() {
  const {stdout} = await execAsync('docker-compose port webapp 80')
  const testUrl = stdout.trim()
npm i async-child-process


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Andy Edwards
  • released 10/27/2016

