
Assert responses to HTTP requests
http request assert testing

Assert Request

This is a tool to assert properties of responses to requests, such as the body, headers, and status code. This returns a promise with additional assertion methods builtin to it. It requires node 4 or higher to run (that's by design, and will not be changed even if you have a PR).


This example uses Mocha tests, which natively support promises. However, assert-request is not limited to Mocha.

let AssertRequest = require('assert-request');
let request = AssertRequest(app.listen()); // You can use a server or protocol and host

describe('/example', function () {
  it('should return HTML', function () {
    return request('/example')

describe('/api', function () {
  it('should return the correct JSON', function () {
      .json(json => &&;

Return Type

The returned value is a Promise. Because of that, you can use .then and .catch. .then will be passed the response object. Many Node.JS utilities such as Mocha will support promises.

Mixin Documentation

Note: most mixins simply return this.then(res => assert(...)). This means that assertions are guaranteed to run in order. While technically Promise.all should be used here, this makes for a much simpler code base. In addition, this should be the faster way as no mixins created so far return a Promise (i.e. do an asynchronous operation).


Calls the function with the response object, and asserts that the return value is truthy.


Asserts that the response status is equal to the one specified. Expected can be a String, Number, Function, or RegExp. Strings and Numbers will be checked without strict matching (== not ===) so the status will be cast to a String.


Asserts that the response status is 200. Equivalent to .status(200)

.header(header, value, someHeaders)

Asserts that the header is present, and if value is specified, asserts that it is equal to the value. In some edge cases like Set-Cookie, the header value is an array. In this case, by default all headers must match the value. However, if someHeaders is true, then only one must match the value. Value can be a String, Function, or RegExp.


Asserts that the body is equal to the one specified. Expected can be a String, Function, or RegExp.


Asserts that the body is JSON and is equal to the JSON specified. If expected is a function, then it is passed the parsed JSON. Expected can be a String, Function, or RegExp.


This is a general mixin to check Content-Type. If the expected type is a string, it checkes if any part of the Content-Type is equal. All of the following will match text/html; charset=utf-8

  • 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
  • 'text/html'
  • 'charset=utf-8'
  • /html/
  • /^text/html; charset=utf-8$/
  • type => type.includes('html')

The following will NOT match that type:

  • /^text/html$/
  • type => type === 'text/html'

Expected can be a String, Function, or RegExp. However, partial matching is only applied to strings as specified above.


This was made as a replacement for supertest. Inspiration was taken from that API. However, using it also showed how it could be improved, and pitfalls to avoid.


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Unknown
  • released 3/29/2016

