
An enhanced Node.js assert module


✨ An enhanced Node.js assert module.

IMPORTANT: This module is an improvement from joyent/node-assert-plus module with added assertions registration methods.


npm install assert-enhanced

For types definitions:

npm install AshLePoney/node-assert-enhanced-types --save-dev


const assert = require('assert-enhanced');

function example (stdout, chunk, next) {
  assert.writable(stdout, 'stdout');
  assert.object(chunk, 'chunk');
  assert.string(, '');
  assert.buffer(chunk.buffer, 'chunk.buffer');
  assert.func(next, 'next');

  // ...


Or to add a new assertion set

const assert = require('assert-enhanced');

const definition = {
  custom: {
    check: (arg) => (arg instanceof Custom),
    operator: 'instanceof',
    actual: (arg) =>, -1)

assert.register(null, definitions, { arrayOf: false, optionalArrayOf: false });

// Register to assert-enhanced:
// assert.custom
// assert.optionalCustom
// assert.arrayOfCustom         (generation disabled by options).
// assert.optionalArrayOfCustom (generation disabled by options).


The added assertions methods take two arguments, the value tested first and then the name of the checked parameter.

assert.bool(myBoolArg, 'myBoolArg');
assert.optionalBool(myBoolArg, 'myBoolArg');
assert.arrayOfbool(myBoolArg, 'myBoolArg');
assert.optionalArrayOfBool(myBoolArg, 'myBoolArg');

On bad assertion it will throw an EnhancedAssertionError:

AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: myBoolArg (bool) is required.
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/user/projects/test-assert-enhanced/test.js:3:8)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1147:30)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1167:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:996:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:896:14)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (internal/modules/run_main.js:71:12)
    at internal/main/run_main_module.js:17:47


  • assert.EnhancedAssertionError
  • assert.bool
  • assert.number
  • assert.string
  • assert.symbol
  • assert.object
  • assert.func
  • assert.array
  • assert.asyncFunc
  • assert.promise
  • assert.regexp
  • assert.buffer
  • assert.readable
  • assert.writable
  • assert.duplex
  • assert.optionalBool
  • assert.optionalNumber
  • assert.optionalString
  • assert.optionalSymbol
  • assert.optionalObject
  • assert.optionalFunc
  • assert.optionalArray
  • assert.optionalAsyncFunction
  • assert.optionalPromise
  • assert.optionalDate
  • assert.optionalRegexp
  • assert.optionalBuffer
  • assert.optionalStream
  • assert.optionalReadable
  • assert.optionalWritable
  • assert.optionalDuplex
  • assert.arrayOfBool
  • assert.arrayOfNumber
  • assert.arrayOfString
  • assert.arrayOfSymbol
  • assert.arrayOfObject
  • assert.arrayOfFunc
  • assert.arrayOfArray
  • assert.arrayOfAsyncFunc
  • assert.arrayOfPromise
  • assert.arrayOfDate
  • assert.arrayOfRegexp
  • assert.arrayOfBuffer
  • assert.arrayOfStream
  • assert.arrayOfReadable
  • assert.arrayOfWritable
  • assert.arrayOfDuplex
  • assert.optionalArrayOfBool
  • assert.optionalArrayOfNumber
  • assert.optionalArrayOfString
  • assert.optionalArrayOfSymbol
  • assert.optionalArrayOfObject
  • assert.optionalArrayOfFunc
  • assert.optionalArrayOfArray
  • assert.optionalArrayOfAsyncFunc
  • assert.optionalArrayOfPromise
  • assert.optionalArrayOfDate
  • assert.optionalArrayOfRegexp
  • assert.optionalArrayOfBuffer
  • assert.optionalArrayOfStream
  • assert.optionalArrayOfReadable
  • assert.optionalArrayOfWritable
  • assert.optionalArrayOfDuplex

Enhanced registration methods:

Node.js assert module:

See more on Node.js assert module:

assert.register(target, definitions, options)->target

Register assertions sets.

argument type details
target Object or Function The target where to save the generated assertion methods. If it's null or undefined then registration is processed on the exported module.
definitions Object The definitions object will wrap the definitions of the different assertions that need to be added.
options Object (optional) The options object will store the states to know if we should cancel the generation of methods by types. Any registration type can be disabled using options ({ [type]: false }).


const definitions = {
  custom: {
    check: (arg) => (arg instanceof Custom),
    operator: 'instanceof',
    actual: assert.getClassname

assert.register(null, definitions, { optionalArrayOf: false });

// Register [standard, optional, arrayOf]

assert.registerStandardAssertion(target, name, definition)->target

Register standard assertion.

argument type details
target Object or Function The target where to save the generated assertion methods. If it's null or undefined then registration is processed on the exported module.
name String The assertion method name.
definition Object The definitions object.


assert.registerStandardAssert(null, 'custom', {
  check: (arg) => (arg instanceof Custom),
  operator: 'instanceof',
  actual: assert.getClassname

assert.registerOptionalAssertion(target, name, definition)->target

Register optional assertion.

argument type details
target Object or Function The target where to save the generated assertion methods. If it's null or undefined then registration is processed on the exported module.
name String The assertion method name.
definition Object The definitions object.


assert.registerOptionalAssertion(null, 'custom', {
  check: (arg) => (arg instanceof Custom),
  operator: 'instanceof',
  actual: assert.getClassname

assert.registerArrayOfAssertion(target, name, definition)->target

Register arrayOf assertion.

argument type details
target Object or Function The target where to save the generated assertion methods. If it's null or undefined then registration is processed on the exported module.
name String The assertion method name.
definition Object The definitions object.


assert.registerArrayOfAssertion(null, 'custom', {
  check: (arg) => (arg instanceof Custom),
  operator: 'instanceof',
  actual: assert.getClassname

assert.registerOptionalArrayOfAssertion(target, name, definition)->target

Register optional arrayOf assertion.

argument type details
target Object or Function The target where to save the generated assertion methods. If it's null or undefined then registration is processed on the exported module.
name String The assertion method name.
definition Object The definitions object.


assert.registerOptionalArrayOfAssertion(null, 'custom', {
  check: (arg) => (arg instanceof Custom),
  operator: 'instanceof',
  actual: assert.getClassname


Get an object classname, it's used to seed the actual property from the definitions.

argument type details
arg any


Get a typeof, it's used to seed the actual property from the definitions.

argument type details
arg any


  • MIT
  • >= 12.0.0
  • AshLePoney
  • released 4/12/2020

