
Accessible progress bar / slider component
slider aria progress progress bar

Accessible Progres bar / Range slider

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What is this

As I haven't found one, I've tried to create simple to use, fully accessible slider component. Build is less than 2Kb.

It is written in TypeScript and I will be releasing React component soon.

I will appreciate any feedback and pull requests.



  • Fully accessible (based on this example)
  • Works on touch enabled devices (you can tap anywhere and drag)
  • IE10+
  • Support for both integers and float values (using options.float)
  • Two value tooltips, one shown all the time, and one on hover
  • Callback system
  • Additional "buffer bar" that is controlled by the user
  • Easy to style


  • API to update options (ATM only enable/disable is available)
  • Better demo page
  • Themes (YouTube-like, Vimeo-like...)
  • React component
  • Tests
  • Changelog


You'll need to import ProgressBar class and instantiate by passing two params. The first one is selectorOrElement - CSS selector string or HTML element. This element will be used as a slider's wrapper, and library will create all needed elements inside it.

Two other one is the options object, and check below for more documenation on available options.

ProgressBar(selectorOrElement:TSelectorOrElement, options:IProgressBarOptionsPartial);

You'll have to import CSS styling as well.


// Import the class
import ProgressBar from 'aria-progress-range-slider';
// and the CSS
import 'aria-progress-range-slider/dist/style.css';

const selector = '.progress-bar';
const options = {};

new ProgressBar(selector, options);


// Slider accessible label
// Default: 'Seek slider'
ariaLabel?: string;

// If slider is labeled by another element,
// this should be the id of that element
// (Similar to how the "for" attribute is used to link a LABEL to an INPUT.)
ariaLabeledBy?: string;

// How much value will change on arrow keys
// Default: 1
arrowMoveStep?: number;

// Base CSS class name
// Default: 'AriaProgressBar'
// Note that all elements will use this one as a prefix
// Example:
// 'AriaProgressBar-track'
// 'AriaProgressBar-handle' ...
className?: string;

// When true disables the slider
// Default: false
disabled?: boolean;

// When true, slider will use floating numbers instead of integers
// Default: false
float?: boolean;

// Function that will be used to populate both tooltips (hover and main one)
// Params are current value and options
// Default: (value) => value.toString()
getTooltipText?(value: number, options?: IProgressBarOptions): string;

// Function that will be used to populate "aria-valuetext" attribute
// Params are current value and options
// Default: (value, options) => `${ value } ranging from ${ options.min } to ${ options.max }`
getValueText?(value: number, options?: IProgressBarOptions): string;

// Initial value
// Default: options.min (0)
initialValue?: number;

// Maximum value
// Default: 100
max?: number;

// Minimum value
// Default: 0
min?: number;

// Callback function that will be called every time
// slider's value changes
onChange?(value: number, options?: IProgressBarOptions): any;

// Callback function that will be called every time
// user finishes dragging the handle
onDragEnd?(value: number, options?: IProgressBarOptions): any;

// Callback function that will be called every time
// user moves the handle
onDragMove?(value: number, options?: IProgressBarOptions): any;

// Callback function that will be called every time
// user starts dragging the handle
onDragStart?(value: number, options?: IProgressBarOptions): any;

// How much value will change on page up and page down keys
// Default: 5
pageMoveStep?: number;

// If false, tooltips and the hover bar won't snap at values dividable by options.step
// Default: true
snap?: boolean;

// The stepping interval
// Default: 1
step?: number;

Please note that you can't hide elements through options (nor API). Just use CSS to hide them. I think it is a little bit cleaner than having a lot of conditions in the code.

Elements and CSS classes

Default CSS class names are:

// Wrapper element
.AriaProgressBar {}
.AriaProgressBar--hover {}
.AriaProgressBar--dragging {}
.AriaProgressBar--disabled {}

// Main element, slider's track
.AriaProgressBar-track {}

// Progress bar
.AriaProgressBar-progress {}

// Hover bar, "fake" progress bar that shows on hover
// to indicate where will it jump on click
.AriaProgressBar-hover {}

// Same as hover bar, but controlled by you
// My intention was to use it as a buffer bar for media players
// (similar what YouTube does)
.AriaProgressBar-buffer {}

// Handle element
.AriaProgressBar-handle {}

// Tooltip that is always visible and displays slider's value
.AriaProgressBar-mainTooltip {}

// Tooltip that shows on hover and displays value
// slider will be changed to on click
.AriaProgressBar-hoverTooltip {}

Please note that if you change options.className it will use it instead of AriaProgressBar.

Check to create your own theme. (Everything above // Default theme is mandatory for slider to work.)


This is component's public API.

// Removes HTML element and listener as well as
// aria attributes and CSS classes from the wrapper
destroy(): void;

// Gets slider's current value
getValue(): number;

// Sets value
setValue(value: number): void;

// Sets value for the buffer bar
setBufferValue(value: number): void;

// Disables the slider
disable(): void;

// Enables the slider
enable(): void;


I'm using Parcel for development and docs, while microbundle is used for npm builds.

For local development use:

npm start

It will start development server on http://localhost:1234/


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Stanko
  • released 4/30/2019

