
Test helper for writing apollo-server integration tests
GraphQL Apollo Server Javascript Testing Integration Testing


This package exports an utility function for writing apollo-server integration tests:

import { createTestClient } from 'apollo-server-integration-testing';


This function takes in an apollo server instance and returns a function that you can use to run operations against your schema, and assert on the results.

Example usage:

import { createTestClient } from 'apollo-server-integration-testing';
import { createApolloServer } from './myServerCreationCode';

const apolloServer = await createApolloServer();
const { query, mutate } = createTestClient({

const result = await query(`{ currentUser { id } }`);

  data: {
    currentUser: {
      id: '1',

const UPDATE_USER = `
  mutation UpdateUser($id: ID!, $email: String!) {
    updateUser(id: $id, email: $email) {
      user {

const mutationResult = await mutate(UPDATE_USER, {
  variables: { id: 1, email: '[email protected]' },

  data: {
    updateUser: {
      email: '[email protected]',

This allows you to test all the logic of your apollo server, including any logic inside of the context option that you can pass to the ApolloServer constructor.

Mocking the Request or Response object

createTestClient automatically mocks the Request and Response objects that will be passed to the context option of your ApolloServer constructor, so testing works out of the box. You can also extend the mocked Request or Response object with additional keys by passing an extendMockRequest or extendMockResponse field to createTestClient:

const { query } = createTestClient({
  extendMockRequest: {
    headers: {
      cookie: 'csrf=blablabla',
      referer: '',
  extendMockResponse: {
    locals: {
      user: {
        isAuthenticated: false,

This is useful when your apollo server context option is a callback that operates on the passed in req key, and you want to inject data into that req object.

As mentioned above, if you don't pass an extendMockRequest to createTestClient, we provide a default request mock object for you. See https://github.com/howardabrams/node-mocks-http#createrequest for all the default values that are included in that mock.


You can also set the request and response mocking options after the creation of the test client, which is a cleaner and faster way due not needing to create a new instance for any change you might want to do the request or response.

const { query, setOptions } = createTestClient({

  // If "request" or "response" is not specified, it's not modified
  request: {
    headers: {
      cookie: 'csrf=blablabla',
      referer: '',
  response: {
    locals: {
      user: {
        isAuthenticated: false,

Why not use apollo-server-testing?

You can't really write real integration tests with apollo-server-testing, because it doesn't support servers which rely on the context option being a function that uses the req object (see this issue for more information).

Real apollo-servers support this behavior, but the test client created with apollo-server-testing does not. For example:

import { createTestClient } from 'apollo-server-testing';

it('will not work', () => {
 const { query } = createTestClient(
   new ApolloServer({
     context: ({ req }) => {
       return doSomethingWithReq(req); // this won't work because `req` is `undefined`.

 // Any middleware or resolver code that depends on `context` will not work when this runs, because
 // the `context` function does *not* get passed `req` as expected.
 const result = await query(
   `{ currentUser { id } }`

The official integration example code from Apollo solves this by instantiating an ApolloServer inside the test and mocking the context value by hand. But I don't consider this a real integration test, since you're not using the same instantiation code that your production code uses.


This package should work for consumers using apollo-server-express. We don't plan on supporting any other node server integrations at this time.

npm i apollo-server-integration-testing


  • MIT
  • Whatever
  • Vitor Balocco
  • released 4/13/2021

